Observation about Holy Quran reciting

(Nadeem Israr, Karachi)

Recitation of Holy Quran has many benefits. Daily recitation of Holy Quran brings blessings in home and makes evils run away from that place where it is recited. It is also a best source for supplying goodness to the dead parents. The recitation works like food for dead ones which they wait for. These are the common benefits which must be in the knowledge of many Muslims. Today, I want to share my own experience with the readers about a special benefit what I acknowledged by reciting Holy Quran what I have been keeping in my daily routine for last five years. From the very starting of my academic activities being a regular student, I faced concentration problem on studies. In details, whenever I tried to study, my mind started wandering and at that time no information looked to go inside the brain for memorizing and this situations finally made me throw away the books even during exam days. This condition affected bitterly on results and did not let the goods marks come. This situation followed me throughout my academic tenure which was destined to graduation and on that pinnacle I reached about quarter century ago. After a long gap, I ventured for getting enrolled myself in further studies last year and started my studies once again. At the very beginning, I came across that I was encountering no more any type of distraction which was lamented in this writing earlier. I took it as a blessing and involved in my exam’s preparation. But, due to bad past experiences, I was thinking that when exam would come nearer to me I must have to face the problems again. But, no problem of such kind could bother me at all and I did preparation with ease and calmness. As I had done a good preparation, so I enjoyed my exams and attempted them with full courage. When exams were over, I used to think over this change and finally excavated the idea that it was due to recitation of Holy Quran. The main purpose of telling this saga is to bring in readers’ notice that if they recite Holy Quran daily they must be benefited such kind of blessings which were described here along with other benefits.

Nadeem Israr
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