The Importance of Positive Thinking

(Shamsa Sajjad, Lahore)

' Positive thinking and negative thinking are attitudes. They are points of view, and show the way people handle their affairs.'
'Clear thinking produces definite results.'
' Human mind is like a room with so many windows. You may darken your room or let the light get in choice is yours.
"'Fill your life with light, happiness ,hope, feeling of security and strength, and soon your life will reflect these qualities,"

" Positive and negative are directions. Which direction do you choose?"
" The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your
life's direction."
What is Positive Thinking?
Positive thinking is positive attitude toward life. Positive thinking plays an important role in positive
psychology .A person who thinks positively trusts he or she can overcome any hurdle, difficulty or problem in life.
Positive thinking is actually approaching life's challenges in a positive manner ,teaching yourself
how to use your mental tools and inner powers to create a life of happiness, success, fulfillment and inner peace.
With positive attitude one experiences nice and pleasant feelings. Positive thinking makes you more
energetic and confident and your health is improved in a better way. It makes your every action even
your body language more powerful and makes you more confident - confidence that will lead you to a greater success.
You know we are subconsciously attracted to the well mannered and well groomed people and whose thoughts are positive and who have nice feelings for you. I have heard wise people saying:
"laugh and the whole world will laugh with you .Cry and you will cry alone."
In other words we like to be in the company of positive people and preferably avoid negative ones.
Negativity creates negative thoughts , unhappy feelings or moods and bad conduct .When the mind is on negative track, certain kinds of poisons are released into the blood which cause negativity and more
unhappy feelings.
Benefits of Positive thinking
1- Positive thoughts broaden your mental horizon and makes you feel confident anyway. On the other hand negative emotions or thoughts narrow your mind and limit your thought process.
2-Positives emotions enhance abilities to build up skills and develop resources for use later in life.
3-Positive emotions or thoughts prompt to build skills that are valuable and beneficial in everyday life.
4-Positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities to build new skills and resources that can provide value in other areas of your life. Negative emotions do the opposite.
How to get yourself to be positive in your life?
1-Anything that flickers the feelings of joy, contentment and love will do the trick. Now it's entirely up to you what things work well for you. May be it's playing a musical instrument or spending some good time with a friend or carving something on a piece of wood.
2-The power of positive thinking and optimism change your life style. Be optimist, change your thoughts, see the positive side if you want positive change in your life, for positive thinking refers to optimism.
You can try these things to help overcome your negative thoughts:
1-Do exercise like yoga or some other exercise, because it divert your attention away from your thoughts. Yoga relaxes your muscles and helps ease your mind and body.
2-Keep smiling .Smile relaxes your face muscles, changes your mood and makes you stress free.
3-Have contact with positive people around you and try to avoid negative thinking.
4-Try to change your thoughts from negative to positive .Face challenges and find out solutions to those
challenges in a possible positive manner-soon you'll come up with solutions to your everyday problems
and feel in a better way.
5- Don't be victimized if you are in a situation that becomes intolerable to you but try to find a way out.
Make a good choice if it is required.
6-Help poor and needy .Be their supporter. Give them financial assistance or moral support to rise and shine in their lives. Such like things will give you inner satisfaction .
7-Don't stay at one place out of embarrassment .Failure and success both are parts of life. Nobody is perfect. Your failure at present moment will lead you to a greater success. Only a little bit courage, effort and most of all positive approach is required. Don't be scared of your mistakes and keep moving
8-Singing provides an amazing stress relief .You are not necessarily a singer who sings according to the singing rules, but most of you may be bathroom singers. Singing no matter either you are a bathroom
or professional singer causes you a relief. So keep singing for you mental health and betterment.
9-List few things you have in your hands like good health ,prestigious career, beautiful kids and better half and then be grateful to Almighty God. After doing this you'll have great feelings.
10-Read positive quotes for they give lots of inspirations to your future thoughts or plans.
Also I'd like to share with you a quote by Lao Tzu:
-Watch your thoughts, they become words
-Watch your words ,they become actions
-Watch your actions, they become habits
-Watch your habits, they become character
-Watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Shamsa Sajjad
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