Pollution in Quetta city

(Ambrien khan, )

Quetta is the capital of Balochistan and this is the reason that most of families have been shifted to Quettacity and its surrounding areas. Inthe past Quetta city was called a mini London, but unfortunately it lost itsbeauty after earthquake in 1935.It was rehabilitate after that incident. In this city people of different tribes are living, which consists of Pashtun, Baloch, brhviy, hazara, Punjabi, Sindhi and so many others. The population of the city is increasing day by day especially it become more populated after afghan war due which most of afghan refugees have been shifted to Quetta city from their afghan refugee camps. But today the population of the city about 25 lacs person which we can say it is over populated area. Due this huge crowd the city is facing great problems of many things like shortage of water, senatrysystem, and supply of drinking of water to the individuals, basic health, education, foods, electricity, gas and so many other. Quetta city is situated in a valley which consists of mountains like char shakhan towards east, zarghoon or sleeping beauty towards north and chiltan towards west around the city. TheQuetta city like a lake and there is one way to drain its rainy water as well as waste water using by the consumers. Today Quetta city one of the most polluted city after maxico.the main reason is that there is shortage of awareness. Being a Muslim we do not care of cleanliness of our houses as well as or surrounding area. AsIslam says that ‘SAFFAI NISF EMAN HY’so, being a Muslim we must adopt the rules which Islam teaches no doubt if follow Islamic ways than no reason to be polluted our surrounding area. So we can say the main causes of the pollution are a large numbers of vehicles are running on the roads like buses, trucks, rickshaws, motor bike etc, which is main cause of pollution. Another things is shopping bags like plastic bags which cannot dissolveeasily, due to which main gutter pipe lines are blocked and this the reason that we see alarge number of dirty water on the road which make causes of different diseases. In the past there were a number of trees along the road side of the Quetta but with the passage of time all these are cut down in order to specious the roads.Govt of Balochistan expends millions of rupees for plantation, but unfortunately after plantation no one is observed to water them throughout the year. There should be plantation of tress especially around the road sides because they are good sound absorbers and they can also absorbs the pollution as well.

Ambrien khan
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