(kashid ali, Karachi)


"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone"

I think the rules are not for just following but also for safety of the public. I follow three rules, Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care.

"Accidents Bring Tears, Safety Bring Cheers."

Today afternoon, while going to the office, I have found some peoples in Tipu Sultan road near Sharae Faisal, Karachi, they have some kind of banners, and I have met them and I have asked "who are you all", "show the banners please",they replied once red right will be on, we will present the banners on the front of traffic, so when show the message they have short public message fro all "DRIVE CAREFULLY, OBEY TRAFFIC RULES & BE A RESPONSIBLE PAKISTANI", when I saw the banner and the message on the banner, one thing come to mind, they belong to traffic police Or the government, but they are not the part of traffic police or government, they all are students and they have faced some critical issues on roads in Karachi, so they have started a campaign to promote this message in busy roads of Karachi and later on, everywhere in the city.

I think it is a good effort, may Allah help them, maybe not all follow them, but from 100 people 40 will think about the message of safety and they will drive carefully and save their own life and family, also follow the rules of traffic. Sometime a very small message of 10 words changes your thinking. After the small message of 10 words, I have started to follow all rules and regulation of traffic.

I think social media websites are the best place to share the public message, "DRIVE CAREFULLY, OBEY THE TRAFFIC RULES & BE A RESPONSIBLE PAKISTANI". Please follow the rules friends.

"Aware people, save a life, save a nation"

kashid ali
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