Corruption in Billion Tusnami Tree Project KPK

(Musarrat Ullah Jan, Peshawar)

Peshawar , Provincial government of kp started plantation campaign in the province named tsunami Billion Tree to promote greenry. Along with plantation, providing job opportunities for youth of the province was also a main objective of this project. But the mafia existing in forest department is now using it for money making.

According to the detailed report, the kpk government initiative of green kp started in 2014 and more then 22 billions rupees are allocated for the said project. The project has two phases which will be completed in 2018.

According to the law, 25 thousand trees will be planted in one unit and the official of forest department will check the nursery and give one unit to one person if the nursery is bigger then officer has right to give 4 unit. It's mean 100000 trees alloted to one nursery but

The real position is different the official of forest department are doing corruption in it. They alloted the trees to middleman not to the nursery owners. Even they didn't check physically nursing, whereabouts of the nursery.

The relevant office didn't take any action against these people who are involved in wrong actions .

According to the nursery owner in the area of Tarujaba he has big nursery and without third party he can get one unit of 25 thousand tress ,but I have experience that's why I again apply for more unit of trees but the official didn't permit me saying that it's illegal,said the nursery owner.

The strange thing which we found that in same area a local nursery owner who is also a teacher said that a contractor belongs to Peshawar visited my nursery and ordered me for half million trees and the contractor said that if I arrange the tree he will give me another half million trees order. But I refuse because I have no more trees.

the owner of the nursery don't know about the contractor how much the contractor is getting per tree but I sell the tree on 4 rupee these contractor purchase the tree from local market on 3 rupees and same trees sell to the government on six to nine rupees , no one even ask from these contractor that how much it cost to the and do they have any nursery,said the owner.

The project dirctor of the tsunami billion tree Shabi Hussain confirmed that more then 52 types tree are available in market but we provide 42 types of trees to the locals , which is free , according to the Shabir Hussain more then 120000000 trees are distributed in different areas of the province and till 2018 our department will distribute 200 million trees in different peoples of the community.

He added that provincial government started the project and we allotted quota for senior citizen , 10 percent for women 40 percent for farmers and we follow the rule.

When asked about the negligence about the department and nurseries , he admit that may be in some area contractor get more trees unit and they didn’t follow the rule ,but its first time that some one talk about the illegal acitivities in billion tree project ,so action will be taken against these people.

Musarrat Ullah Jan
About the Author: Musarrat Ullah Jan Read More Articles by Musarrat Ullah Jan: 668 Articles with 547334 views 47 year old working journalist from peshawar , first SAARC scholar of kp , attached with National & international media. as photojournalist , writer ,.. View More