
(Wasii, Islamabad)

Love means to regard with affection or to like some thing or someone. The thing or the person loved is called be loved and the person who loves is called lover. Mainly Love is of two types
NO 1= Divine love or spiritual love
NO 2=Mundane love or carnal love.* [Ishq-e-majazi]
1) Divine love or spiritual love is the regard and keep faith in almighty Allah. It’s of spiritual obey Allah’s command with such a wish and emotion just to please GOD ' this kind of love is for reward on the day of judgment
2) Mundane or carnal love is the love with GOD creatures e.g. human; animals or anything else .this type of love may be for reward or without reward one can impress from any GOD,S creature that rear suet GOD; signs of beauty and attraction in them. This love is also emotion towards specific object .these aspects may be positive or negative as well love .love with an object as a symbol of GOD; Secretion beauty is not sinful .but negatively abusing love is great sin. Carnal love is subdivided in to many branches
A] MATERIALISTIC love; - in the world of today this kind of love is very common .man has the thirst of wealth .he /she loves wealth more than his /her health. Man trying to get wealth by every legal and illegal ways. This kind of love separates even blood’s bonds from each other .this converts human being in to greedy and mean one .he /she didn’t care for human values but loves wealth than any relationship .this love even disturbs the situation and causes various social evils like put in to wind the law and order situation and committing evils and crimes.
B] LOVE IN THE DEGREE OF AFFINITY;-this kind of love occurs in relation by marriage this love changes in to natural one with wife; husband father-in-law. Mother-in-law etc.
E] LOVE WITH BLOOD RELATIVES; - this kind of love is natural and GOD gifted blood is thicker than water; .its mean that everyone love the blood relatives like father, mother, sister, brother, uncle, cousin etc.
D] LOVE IS THE DEGREE OF NOBALITY OF CHARAETER;-this kind may be out of the circle of any relationship like someone love with the pious noble and best character person .
F] LOVE ON ACCOUNT OF BEATY SOME PEOPLE ARE WORSHIPER OF BEAUTY '- they love beautiful structure and faces .this kind of love often erect sufferings and even sometimes assumes the wrong direction.
CONCLUSION ;- In simple love is worship but not for any greed or evil thoughts .love with his Allah and with his creatures only to please the GOD provides reward and mental rest and leads to paradise .in other way worldly love for material or evil designs is a greater sin...............................

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