Sir Isaac Newton. A man behind Science.

(Farheen Naz Tariq, Chakwal)

Sir Isaac Newton a man who was far more than just a physicist and mathematician, was born on 25 december 1642, at Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire. He was a revolutionary scientist of all ages.

His father died 3 months before his birth, his mother remarried when he was at the age of three, and left Newton behind with his maternal grandmother.
He attended school at his hometown, laterly he went to Cambridge University, He started as a subsizar- paying his way by performing valet’s duties- until he was awarded a scholarship in 1664 till he completed his M.A.

Newton spend his entire childhood without parents this brought up agony inside him, once he stated in his school notebook in codes that he wanted to punch his sister on her face burn his mother and step father and their house over them . He was so obsessive he was a man who lived his whole life inside his head. He was so egotist who believed that he alone was able to understand God’s creation. His life was full of conspiracies. His theories got much criticism from Robert Hooke the president of Royal society of London, but Newton had a strange and unsociable temper. Smarting himself from criticism he decided to not publish his work and he did so till the time Robert Hooke died. Newton devoted his life to alchemical and religious works. He became president of the Royal society of London. In 1667 he was elected as a fellow of Trinity. Though he rejected the doctrine of trinity, he kept his work secret in codes his whole life as well as long time after his death.Newton wrote a number of religious tacts dealing with the interpretation of the Bible. He never got married, he died a virgin.

He was not a social person but once he got nervous breakdown once because of a friend. He stayed with his niece and his husband at Cranbury Park near Winchester London during his last days of life. He died on 20th March1727 in his sleep , He was buried in Westminster Abbey. In an examine of his hair after his death , mercury contain was found in his hair , probably resulting because of his alchemical pursuits.His eccentric behavior in late life could explained because of Mercury poisoning. He was 85 years old and he had kidney stone when he died.

Isaac Newton changed the way we understand the universe. He discovered 3 laws of motion , he defined Gravity while he saw an apple had fallen down from an apple tree. He invented Calculus but here he got criticism and challenged by Leibniz a fellow scientist who also proposed some theories in calculus. Modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed Calculus independently, although with different notations. Before Newton scientists believed that the white light is the purest form of energy on earth a symbol of God’s power. Newton revealed the nature of light, by using prism he found that white light is a mixture of infinitely varied colored rays, he transformed prism a toll of study of our world and outer space. And using this theory of light and prism he reconsidered the design of telescope . Using mirror instead of lenses he was able to create a more powerful instrument of only 6 inches long, 10 times smaller than the traditional telescope. He predicted the Armageddon in year 2060, he believed that he was put on the earth to decode the word of God by studying both the scriptures and the book of nature. According to him mathematics and theology were part of one project to discover the single system of world.He was an instituite behind just a physicist.

Farheen Naz Tariq
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