Battle for Intranational Demarcation; Need for new provinces

(Noshin Bashir, Karachi)

Pakistan, being an ideological state, extends its basis on the motto of two-nation theory but the people living across her don’t follow the same culture. Pakistani culture has the co-existence of Balochi, Sindi, Punjabi and Pashtun cultures provided their own feeding habits, dress codes, social norms. The ethnic approach of her people is also very strong and it seems very unlikely for them to go beyond their ethnicity. As population of Pakistan is on increase since its inception in 1947, so the need for the creation of more provinces has been realized from time to time. Its 17 years on that the census of population taken place there yet the realization for more provinces or administrative units is very strong.
Many political parties of Pakistan has expressed their willingness for the creation of new provinces but yet to transform into reality.

The clause 4, clause 5 and clause 6 of the Article 239 of 1973 constitution of Pakistan declares no right to amend the provincial boundaries unless the given amendment is proven by the two-third majority of provincial assembly of concerned province. It also delimits the courts to put the provincial boundaries in question. It is much clearer that to reform the provinces or provincial boundaries, the amendment in the article 239 0f the constitution is needed first. To amend the said clauses of the constitution the will of provincial assembly is crucial and required first. As our political parties get their due share of votes in their respective provinces more commonly based on ethnicity and locality, so they don’t want to demarcate their existing share at any cost. The election result of election 2013 indicates the more ethnic and regional vote bank of political parties.

The census of population has only occurred five times since the inception of Pakistan provided the most recent occurred in 1998. As the population of Pakistan ranks it as the 6th most populous country on earth, so this increase in population is accompanied by the number of issues and problems in question. Some of these are:
Quota system,
Poor coordination between the people and the ruling elite,
Unequally represented local cultures and a
sense of deprivation,
Linguistic and ethnic variance etc.
Good governance can be achieved by the devolution of power from the centre to provinces. The 18th amendment in 1973 constitution advocates the provincial autonomy and grants more power to the provinces but still the effective governance and equivocal public services are more likely a dream unfulfilled. Lets examine the World Bank(WB)
Report on 2010 floods in Pakistan which inflicted a heavy toll on the life and economy. The total loss was estimated to be approximately $5 billion. The world bank examined that the major concern behind the poor control over flood waters was the poor co-ordination between the central and provincial flood management authorities. The state of unknowingness prevailed among the public till the onset of flood waters mainly due to the negligence on the part of disaster management and poor co-ordination between the public and disaster management authorities. The timely action and robust management could save many of the flood victims and the loss of life could be lessened. Same happens when provincial autonomy decreases across the regions of the province. The lack of effective co-ordination between the various regions of a province causes the severe negligence on the part of the government or government institutions.

According to the quota system which is being implemented in Pakistan, Punjab gets the 50 percent of the total share of all the provinces due to its overwhelming population. The share of Sind is only 23 pc and Balochistan only gets the 19pc of total share due to its reduced population. This quota system seems unjust as the census has not taken place since 1998. The exact share of provinces in financial assets is unknown even if it is based solely on population.
Karachi, being the coastal city is the economic hub for the land of the pure and contributes much in the national economy than the resting areas of Pakistan. The people of Sind exhibit their deprivation of their due share despite their heavy contribution towards the national economy. Same is the case for resource rich Balochistan who also feel denied of their due share in national income. The people of Balochistan comprises two major ethnicities: baloch and pashtun. The baloch people considers themselves under-represented also due to the Afghan people colonies settled there in the aftermath of USSR attack in Afghanistan.
There exists a poor coordination between the general public and the ruling elite mainly due to the poor co-ordination between them. The example of Bengal best predicts the case of ineffectiveness of the ruling party over a vast region. The Bengal during the British rule was poorly governed and it was difficult for the centre to control such a vast region due to its overwhelming population. The people of Bengal demanded the division of Bengal into two: east and west Bengal. For an effective governance the devolution of power is a major concern. The effective governance can only be achieved if there exists a power share in relatively small administrative units.

The cultural groups of different provinces are in a continuous sense of deprivation due to their poor representation nationally and regionally. If we look at our neighbors i.e., India. It has Hindi as its official language written in Devanagri style alongside English but each state of India is allowed to have the official language of their choice based on their linguistic demographics. So it end up in having 22 official languages in total excluding English. So what is wrong in having the regional languages represented nationally. It has the potential to satisfy the linguistic concern of the provinces.

Also India has more than 23 administrative units. It has twenty nine states and seven union territories which were only 17 at the time of independence in 1947. The only world super power: United States of America has 50 administrative units which work under a federation working efficiently and more effectively. If we take the examples of different countries in having the greater number of provinces over a specified portion of land then all we get to know is proper governance, efficient control over the governing region and somewhat better administration.

There is nothing wrong in having more provinces in Pakistan provided the newly formed provinces are not based on the ethnic and linguistic divide. The new provinces are to be formed based on fewer administration. The division of existing provinces based on the ethnic approach is more like a genie out of the bottle which is hard to push back into it. This ethnic uprising can happen every other day in view of having the different tribal groups across Pakistan.

The issue of (FATA) Federally Administered Tribal Areas is longstanding and yet to be resolved. These areas are still governed by (FCR) Frontier Crime Regulation despite having many loopholes in the law. These areas comprises seven agencies and various regions still awaiting the rank of province. They are also under-represented in forming the national policies and legislation due to the poor execution of these laws over there.
Once it gets the level of province: its more likely to have its due share in national disbursement of funds.

The PPP government advocated the division of Punjab into two: South Punjab and the remaining areas of Punjab but seems in a denial mode when it comes to the province of their own governance(Sind). The Saraiki belt is demanding the provincial status on and off but never ending its demand of having the status of a province. The Hazzara community of Khyber Pakhtunkhwan also wants provincial autonomy. All these demands appear to be unjust because they of their more ethnic and lingual basis. The political scenario is also falling the same category as PPP gets more vote from their local population and same is true for other parties in the field of political battle. The awareness and education on the part of the people is all required to control the situation. If the languages of different provinces are supported publicly then the regional fear of their denied status will likely to get controlled. Pashtun being spoken and understood in Afghanistan and other pashtun speaking regions of South Asia can become the language of trade and communication between the population of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

As two percent of the population of Iran speaks and understand Balochi is likely to become the language of communication between Pakistan’s Balochistan and its Iranian counterpart. The CPEC project is likely to provide a bit larger space to Chinese languages but we can equally support and promote our own regional languages by granting them an official status and language of communication at least in the level of province alongside Urdu and English. This will really help in quitting the genies of linguistic and ethnic uprising. All we need is to get the political attention and sub-sequent implementation in having the cultural highlights.

There is a dire need to have the population census in accordance with the constitutional spirit of 1973 which says that census of national population will held every five years.
Only then the peoples share of resources can be just and vigilant.

The share of provinces in getting their share of financial assets needs to be shifted from sole parameter of population towards their contribution in national income and labor work. This will also propagate the residents of different units to contribute more lively in the national economy.

The quota system also needs to be addressed in latter and spirit which will satisfy the due share of existing provinces and autonomous regions. Having these issues addressed and provided the education and political will of the people the public understanding on the administrative issues can be achieved more conveniently.

Political campaigning in understanding the administrative issues is required in Pakistan. Better to take the political campaigning regarding the drawbacks and tidbits of corruption, its effects on institutions and public services by PTI Supremo, Imran Khan, as an example. This really evolved the public understanding of corruption and thereafter effects.

Pakistan being a developing country is likely to face the financial crisis after the provincial divide into several provinces and administrative units. To address the financial dilemmas for new provinces the tax net needs to be increased. The direct taxation should increased. There is also a need to increase the public awareness about the importance of tax money paid by them. The people of Pakistan need to understand that the development of infrastructure and public services becomes more frequent due to the well deposited tax income. There is also a need to take vigilant steps to brought more people into the tax net.

The corruption should be reduced institutionally and politically because it eats the finances of a country like a termite. Once the evil spirit of corruption is bottled, the institution building will be automated.

The resource distribution is also a serious concern in the post provincial division scenario, especially the distribution of water resources. There is a need of vigilant public sector policies to ensure the equal distribution of water resources.

The natural resource rich areas needs to get in cash or kind on the part of sharing their natural resources with other provinces probably newly formed provinces.
The major implication is the consensus on the part of political parties which needs to be addressed sooner or latter. The legislative and parliamentary status must be settled accordingly.
The creation of new provinces is not a thing unknown to the world. It is experimented even among the most developed nations of the world including China and USA. Pakistan can have new provinces provided the issues of ethnicity and cultural divide, assets distribution, natural resource distribution and public perception are addressed.


Noshin Bashir
About the Author: Noshin Bashir Read More Articles by Noshin Bashir: 22 Articles with 20381 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.