1. Why did the dinosaurs die?
A. Meteorite impact
B. Small mammals ate their eggs
C. They could not handle the environment
D. World-wide flood
2. The dinosaurs died in the flood
3. Could some of the dinosaurs survived the flood
The extinction of the dinosaurs has become a never-ending discussion among
people. Scientists have fought for many years about the reasons and theories on
how the dinosaurs disappeared. Some of the reasons for the extinction of the
dinosaurs are that they died in a meteorite impact, small mammals ate their
eggs, a world-wide flood wiped them out. They could not cope with their
environment, and they might have had slipped disks. There have been at least 55
theories that have been suggested and thrown out because of problems. Whenever a
scientist comes up with a theory, he must be able to prove or explain how it
happened. A theory that works for large animals usually does not work for the
small animals or sea creatures. Scientists agree that whatever happened to the
dinosaurs must have effected the whole world. When the birth rate fails to keep
up with the death rate, we get extinction. Paleontologists divide extinction
into two types: background extinction and mass extenuation. Background
extinction is when isolated species disappear due to a variety of causes such as
out competition, climate change, and depletion of their resources. Mass
extinction is when large numbers of spices go extinct, when many types of spices
go extinct, it effects the entire earth, and it all happened in a short time.
Some scientists think the dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago in
the Cretaceous period. Biblical records show that the earth is about 5,000 years
old. The timeline of how old people think the earth is and how old the Bible
says it is are different. The latest theory suggests that the dinosaurs were
killed by a meteorite impact, a collision like that would throw enough dust into
the air to block out the sun and cause the temperature to drop. All animals and
dinosaurs that are dependent on the sun and warm temperatures would probably die
off. Some scientists believe that the meteorite that struck the earth would have
caused the sun to be blocked out for three months, when the meteorite hit, it
would cause a tremendous amount of heat to be released and might have caused the
temperature to rise as much as 30 degrees centigrade for as long as 30 days, so
much heat must have been released to cause fires to break out all over the
world. A meteorite impact might have caused acid rain from all the hot water
vapor and rock materials thrown up in the air by the impact. Scientists have
found meteorite craters all over the world in different places, which might
support the theory that the dinosaurs died in a meteorite impact. Volcanoes were
active during this time and could have also killed the dinosaurs. Iridium is
usually what makes up meteorites and volcanic eruptions. Scientists have found
high levels of iridium in some layers of clay that might prove that a meteorite
impact might have caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. The theory of a
meteorite impact does not explain everything. There are some problems with the
theory-like why did the dinosaurs only become extinct; why did it not wipe out
all life on earth and should not have all the plants died because of the lack of
sunlight. One scientist tried to re-enact the meteorite impact on his computer
and found out that one meteorite could not have wiped out every kind of
dinosaurs. Volcanic eruptions would have caused a lot of volcanic dust to be
thrown into the atmosphere and caused the temperature to drop. It would cause
the same effects as a meteorite impact.
Some other reasons for the extinction of the dinosaurs are that little mammals
ate all the dinosaur's eggs. If little mammals ate all the dinosaur eggs, we
should be able to find an animal with a dinosaur embryo in its mouth. To eat all
the dinosaur's eggs you would have to get throughout the mother dinosaurs who
protect their eggs from predators and other animals much bigger and stronger
than the little mammals.
Another theory is that the brain of the dinosaur eventually made them obsolete.
Being overweight could have caused them to get slipped disks in their spine and
caused them to become crippled, so they could not get their food and would die.
That idea would not work because not all dinosaurs were overweight One theory
suggests that a change in temperature could have caused them to go extinct. The
temperature change could have caused some places to freeze and other places to
turn into deserts. The dinosaurs adjust to the change in temperature so they
died. Some people think that the dinosaurs became extinct because of bad luck
and others think the dinosaurs became extinct because their time was up, and
they need to be gone for man to come bought. This theory could not be true
because scientists have found human skeletons on the same level as the
dinosaur's fossils. That must prove that they lived during the same time as the
dinosaurs didScientists have suggested many theories on how the dinosaurs
disappeared and only one of the theories could work, there was world-wide flood.
The other theories never complete the process to the end and there is always
parts of them that does not make sense. In Genesis 6-9, the Bible tells about a
world-wide flood and how God destroyed every living on earth except those that
were on the Ark or lived in the ocean. The Bible does not list every creature on
the Ark. The Ark had plenty of room for all the animals including the dinosaurs.
We do not know how many kinds of animals were alive during Noah’s day, but today
there are less than 20,000 types of animals, not counting those that lived in
the ocean. Noah’s Ark could hold 50,000 animals with room to spare, so God
probably included the basic types of dinosaurs; young dinosaurs would be smaller
and easier to care for. When God brought two animals of every kind into the Ark,
the dinosaurs must have been included too. God did not bring full-grown animals
into the Ark. After the flood, the temperature and climate changed and many
parts of the world became harsh for the dinosaurs to live in, no longer did the
earth have great forests. It was probably hard for the dinosaurs to find food to
eat. The dinosaurs probably could not adjust to the climate changes so they
died, but there was probably a few of the dinosaurs that survived. Quick flood
burial would be the only way that so many dinosaurs and other things could have
become fossilized in the way scientists have found them. Animals and plants will
only fossilize if they are buried quickly before predators, decay and weather
can destroy them. If the flood really happened, you should be able to find a
number of key things: many cultural stories of the flood, thousand of feet of
flood deposition sedimentary rock layers covering most of the earth’s, evidence
of many creatures that have become extinct by a disaster, buried remains of all
forms of life mixed up in sedimentary layers, and the discovery of skeletons at
many different depths in the flood-produced rocks. If the flood obliterated
everything on earth about 5,000 years ago, then it would stand to reason that
the oldest records of civilization would go back that far. Advanced cultures on
earth seemed to appear suddenly at about that time. Most ancient advanced
cultures began without a trace of primitive generations leading up to them. The
dinosaurs are not the only ones that died off since the flood. Great numbers of
creatures have become extinct since then. Today one or more species of plant and
animals may be lost every day, most of them caused by us. Scientists are still
discovering unknown species every year. Man has often been responsible for
killing the last animals of a kind. The mammoth and mastodons were wiped out by
hunters. It could be that in ancient time's people also killed dinosaurs for
meat or because of problems these animals caused, or they could have killed them
just for fun. Today, many animals are being saved by zoos. Dinosaurs became
extinct before we cared about saving animals from extinction. As much as we know
of the world today, there are many parts of the world that have never been
explored. There are a few scientists who believe that there are probably some
dinosaurs living today in the depths of the sea and in dense unexplored parts of
the rain forest in Africa and South America. There are a lot of stories and
different parts of the world about dinosaurs. Scientists agree that legends are
usually based on fact, not just imagination. In the heart of Africa, the native
pygmy’s tell of strange encounters with giant-like reptiles in modern times and
in the Highlands of northern Scotland people have reported a gigantic swimming
“beast." From the biblical perspective, there is no reason why some of the
dinosaurs could survive in the depths of the sea since the flood. There is some
evidence that a few dinosaurs and great marine reptiles could still be alive, on
the edge of extinction. In all parts of the world, ships have reports of giant
animals like a Plesiosaurs and other types of creature like this.
In my research of the disappearance of the dinosaurs I found out that not all
dinosaurs died in the flood and that the flood really happened. Some of the
dinosaurs were taken on the Ark and after the flood was over some of them could
not cope with the change in the climate so they died. Most of the theories could
not fit together so they must not be true. Some parts of the theories could have
happened but are not the main reasons for their extinction