My Immense Love for Plants

(Fariya Azhar, Karachi)

“If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.”

With the fast-paced lives that most people live nowadays, it comes as no surprise that people are looking for ways to relax and unwind. Hobbies and entertainment are all gearing towards relaxation of both mind and body. Most people just want to get away from all of life’s troubles and be able to forget these troubles even for a short while. Gardening is a relaxing hobby that can be enjoyed by people from any age group. There are many hobbies but my most favorite hobby is gardening.

The joy of witnessing blooming flowers and leaves fills my heart with a sense of achievement and realizing the fact that the work of my own hands is bearing fruit definitely gives me pleasure. I derive great pleasure from this hobby. At the terrace of my house, there are many plants. It is my garden.

I grow several varieties of plants including the China rose, jasmines, ferns and gladioli in my terrace. The recently purchased Christmas tree is a welcome addition too. Every day after University, it is my habit to check on my small garden and look after the plants. The plants have to be kept under a strict check. However, during autumn due to the shedding of the leaves, I have to clean it daily while always adding manure and plant medicine for the protection of these wonderful creations of God.

I inherited the love for gardening from my mother and now with her help and interest; I have look after my plants daily. It is a thing of beauty with a grassy carpet and trimmed hedges. My joy knows no bounds when I see the plants. I dig the earth I manure it. I weed and hoe the plants. I prune the hedges. I sow the seeds. I water the tender plants. I watch the seeds germinate, grow and sprout.

I am mad with joy when I see the buds smile into flowers. My heart dances with joy when lovely flowers of variegated hues toss their heads in the morning breeze and fill the air with their sweet smell. In the spring season, the flowers blossom in such an abundance that I feel intoxicated with joy.

Tending of delicate plants, nursing of flowers, trimming the twigs artistically and preparing and weeding of flower beds afford the greatest delight. When the flowers bloom in all their freshness and beauty what a joy it is to behold that I have an album in which keep the specimens of leaves and flowers. I am proud of my neat lit garden. Every visitor to the house is deeply impressed by it.

Someone asked me, “Why do I love plants more than human beings? Why do I have a craze for plants??”

I simply answered, “We care for plants, protect them and in return they give us beautiful flowers, tasty fruits, shadow, basic need of life oxygen and much more. What a person can do in return for us?? In my point of you, he did NOTHING.” I am not a selfish person who always wants something in return but I think if a person is not able to give something in return then he has no right to expect the same from others. This world is so mean and everyone is in the race of blaming others.

My hobby brings me nearer nature. I feel that there is a bond of union between nature’s heart and mine. I feel myself one with nature. Above all the joy of self-achievement is the greatest joy in the world.

Fariya Azhar
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