Study of some morphological traits response to biotic stress in Cotton. (Gosypium hirsutum)

(Shehzad Ahmad Kang, Gojra)

Upland cotton belong to family Malvaceae, genus Gosypium and tetraploid hirsutum specie that contain chromosomes 2n=52.

Cotton is very important and cash crop of Pakistan because all textile or fiber industry based on cotton crop.87% cotton crop grown in Punjab province (Pakistan) mainly Multan, Bahawalpur division and district Toba Tek singh, jhangh, vehari etc.

Cotton is very sensitive crop response to insect pest and diseases. Insect pest attach start from seedling stage and remain through out season which cause yield reduction. There are different cotton insect pests and diseases that severely reduce the yield i.e. Cut worms (Termite, Black headed cricket, Grass hopper.), Sucking pest (Trips, White fly,Jassid,Aphid,Red spider mite, Broad green mite.),Bollworms (Army bollworm, American bollworm, Spotted bollworm, Pink boll worm.),Mely bug. Good crop production depends on high yielded, insect pest tolerance variety and crop protection management according to environment and field feasibilities.

Insect pests attach can be minimize by proper pest scooting and better crop production technology on economic threshold level.

There are some morphological traits that partially or completely tolerate the pest attack, i.e.

Variety life span – Plant life span directly relate to pest tolerance because the plant speedily complete vegetative or reproductive cycle and because of less time meet to pest attack.

Plant type – plant type majourlly play important role of insect pest attack on plant i.e.

*Monopodial- plant has only one main branch, directly fruit bearing branch and this type of plant have less space for insect bearing because of shorteng of branches and leave. But the variety yield of this plant type depend on plant height e.g. FH 114

*Sympodial- plants have one to three branches, sympodial branch mean indirectly fruit bearing branches. Of bolls per plant due to big plant vigour, but this complex nature of plant cause more production of insect pest e.g. Bt-886,Bt-888,VH-259 etc.

Plant shape – Specific Plant shape effectively tolerate the insect pest attach i.e. bushy type because of open type, Proper light pest living space not available  Leaf type- okra type leaf better as compare to round shape to tolerant insect survival on leaf because of less space available for insect on leaf.

Leaf stiffness- it is very difficult to suck or eat by insect (aphid, jassid, thrips etc.) Because of leaf hardness.

Leaf area- large leaf index cause more insect survival, diseases and as well as evaporation that cause weakness in plant because of plant can not tolerant insect pest attack.

Leaf orientation- leaf angle specially play important role to insect pest tolerance because of proper sunlight passing and aeration.

Hairiness on stem or leaf- hairiness is also called puiscence, it barrier to restrict the insect pest survival and attack.
Red color on stem- this is the insect behavior under control by gene, insect dislike the red color and don not attack on red color of plant but one of fault of red color, it reduce the photosynthetic efficiency.

Gossypol gland- Black spot on stem or leaf are called gossypol gland, it is enzyme that is control by gene, gossypol gland produce poison in plant because of minimum insect pest attack on cotton.

About the Author: SHEHZAD AHMAD KANG Read More Articles by SHEHZAD AHMAD KANG: 9 Articles with 13527 views I am chairman of SFAD Seed & Services.
I do M.Sc(hons) Plant Breeding & Genetics from University of Agriculture,Faisalabad,Pakistan.
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