Education Key To Our Salvation

(Tuba Saeed, Karachi)

Pakistan will celebrate a huge no of years of its independence on Aug 14. However, the problems faced by the nation are still similar to those as when we saw the first birthday of our motherland. In fact, over the years, simple tribulations have grown more complicated.

Despite various efforts by the government, crimes against women have not been put to rest. Child labour is practice extensively. Corruption cases are mounting with each passing day. Added to all this turmoil, Pakistan is facing a great danger from terrorists.

The question arises, what is causing all this trouble? I believe it is lack of education. In 61 years we are unable to design a system which could offer quality education to all. Many young hands are still ploughing fields or helping their parents in household chores while the world out there is progressing rapidly. Further, the fortunate ones who go to schools are taught a syllabus which does not meet the requirements of the technology-oriented world.

The local board examination system has many flaws due to gross inefficiencies. The system itself invites students to use unfair practices in order to pass examinations. In such conditions it is impossible to have expectations from our students to compete with the outer world. Although they would grow up to attain degrees but would lack the knowledge on how to contribute to their country, in particular, and the world, in general. Wall-chalking, destroying flower beds and treating children and women as inferior symbolize an illiterate nation which is not interested in their country and its sovereignty.

The need of the time is that the government should focus on increasing the literacy rate. Education is the only key to our salvation.

Tuba Saeed
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