(Sibtain Zia Rizvi, Islamabad)

There are Punjabi idioms:
1.She came to fetch fire and became the mistress of the house.
2. You just give us a place to sit. We will make our own place to sleep. Zionist Israel made full use of these proverbs.
He not only occupied the lands of his benefactors and host Palestinians, but also strengthened his hold over the time. Strengthened his defense and military strength. Israel resettled the scattered and homeless and dispossessed Jews around the world. Then, as required, the land of the Palestinians were annexed by killing and snatching. Now, if the current ceasefire has taken place, the Muslim Ummah should have demanded the following conditions:
1.The whole land from Ocean to the canal belongs to Palestine. The Zionists have no property rights over it.
2.Zionists who came as refugees will have the same status.
3. Israel should withdraw from Palestine and remain confined to its 1948 status until a final solution is found.
4۔ Israel must evacuate all occupied territories and return the lands of the Palestinians who were evicted
5۔ UN peacekeepers should be deployed in the area. Demonstrating neutrality and ensuring peace and security.
6.Rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure in Gaza and all war-affected areas should be started from the International Development Fund until the whole region returns to its original state and identity.
7.The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the ICC should establish war crimes cases against Israel, and the OIC should ensure its compliance.
8.The first priority is to rehabilitate hospitals and health centers in the affected area, and to provide immediate medical assistance and possible facilities to the injured by the Red Cross and other international organizations.
9. All martyrs, the disabled and the wounded should be compensated and all these expenses should be borne by Israel as a war ransom.
If after the First World War the League of Nations could disarm Germany under the Treaty of Versailles, it could return the occupied territories. If war can pay the ransom, why can't today's UNO bring global terrorist Israel to justice?

But alas, these are all heartfelt wishes that were possible only if and when:
1.All Muslim countries would be united as a nation. They would have an identity and a voice.
2۔ Turkey, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates would not have recognized Israel.
3. Muslim countries should not have bilateral trade, economic and defense relations and agreements with Israel.
4.The Saudis and the Jews would not have formed an alliance.
5. Muslim countries, especially the Arabs, would not have licked the soles of Israel to quell their resentment and enmity.
There is still a chance that we will have to shed this shackles of slavery. Forgetting each other's grievances, the Ummah must become one in obeying the Qur'anic command. The first qiblah must be given that honor. It will go a long way. We have to learn from history. If horses had not been tied in the Prophet's Mosque, Al-Aqsa Mosque would be respected today. And if the shroud of the Ka'bah and the roof had not been burnt, who would have dared to set fire to the first qiblah in the past?
But unfortunately this house caught fire with the lamp of the house.
Remember if the Muslim world still does not prioritize personal interests over collective national interests and does not take the nails of conscience and do not take practical steps instead of spending verbal deposits and mere rhetoric.
Not even your stories will be in the stories.
Let's pledge together that we have to shatter their dream of "Greater Israel" at every cost. Remember, this is a terrorist country that is full of messages of terrorism and expansionism from their national anthem to the front wall of parliament. And I wonder how the Muslim countries, including Egypt, tolerate the chorus of this national anthem in their own countries. Maybe this music has made them a little too drunk.
Writer. Sibtain Zia Rizvi. Islamabad

Sibtain Zia Rizvi
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