Superstition - End Day of the World

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

There is no doubt that the end day of the world must come but it is also fact that its knowledge is with Allah and no one knows the actual ending day of the world / universe even the Prophets of Allah. The knowledge of tomorrow is with Allah but some people to whom He wants to give the knowledge of future know the future to only that extent what He wants to give them and beyond it they noting know also Allah has never given any awareness about the end day of the Universe to anyone. One who claims about the end day is totally liar because even the king of Prophet too did not know about the end day although several times his opponents insisted about it. Disbelievers used to ask him when the promise of Allah would be materialized – when the end day would come – when the Doomsday would establish. The Prophet always used to tell them its knowledge is only with Allah and no one knows about the end day.

When we analyze the affairs of human beings it has come to our knowledge that majority of people have indulged themselves into false notion. Superstition deteriorates the affairs of life and leads human beings towards madness when their wisdom does not work and they forget that they never escape of death even they confine themselves into solid iron and bomb-proof haven. Death is universal fact and we should accept it by all means and prepare for it so that we could not be ashamed.

The mad and disfigured by way of wisdom people are spreading the news that 21st December, 2012 is the last day of the world and the Sun will not emerge on that day. I assure to all firmly that InshaAllah the Sun will emerge on 21st day 2012 with its full shine and excel and bring blessing of Allah Almighty to human beings and others. We should not worry about the prediction appeared in Maya Calendar that the world would end on 21st December, 2012. The followers of Maya Calendar have lost their wisdom and it is supposed they do not believe in only Allah otherwise they were never hit by superstition and spread false notion and injured people.

In the end people are advised in their own interest that they should avoid superstition and believe in only Allah and His guidance as in the all age interest-bearer and edged people deeply exploit and take all kinds of advantages from simple-minded citizens by way of superstition, fallacy and myth.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 110311 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More