China vs USA: Could the Two Superpowers ever be involved in a War?

(Mehboob Habib Buttar, Faisalabad)

The defence zone of China overlaps with Japan. Both the countries claim control over a few small scattered islands called Senkakus(Japnese language) or Diayou(Chinese language). As China, recently, announced its new boundaries of the air known as ADIZ (Air Defence Identification Zone), USA who has a security accord with Japan, raised fears over the new Chinese plan and thought it as an attempt to achieve regional hegemony.

A few months ago, some US bombers flied over the defence zone of China without any notification, which led to the exchange of some harsh words between two global powers. The imprudent show of armed forces has raised concerns if these two will be involved in a direct military confrontation.

It is not merely about the disputed islands, but the both countries want to become an economic power of the world (To gain regional hegemony). China overtook the USA as the World’s largest economy as Chinese economy has more spending power than the US.

The analysts are divided into two groups on the question that China and USA could be involved in a direct confrontation. According to one school of thought, there will be no direct confrontation and they give the following arguments:-

Both the countries are nuclear powers so they will risk the lives of millions of their citizens and avoid a direct confrontation.

Both the countries are economic powers and the bilateral trade between two countries is about $4 trillion. Their economies are interdependent. Hence, they will not be involved in a direct confrontation.

Militarily, China is not as strong as USA. That is probably why they have embarked on a policy of peace and friendship with all the countries. Its leadership therefore, will not prefer a war, at least not for a decade or so.

China and US will not be involved in direct confrontation because it will easily lead to a 3rd World War.

Conversely, according to the other school of thought, there could be direct confrontation between US and China and they give the following arguments:-

The presence of US is increasing in ASIA and Central Asia which has raised the Chinese concerns of its clog and security threats. Eventually as China get’s more and more powerful, it may ask the US to evacuate ASIA completely which may lead both country to the brink of a war.

The largest export of US that boosts its economy is its armament (weapons). Historically, US economy has always boosted manifold during wars. At a point where its economy is down, US may be tempted to wage a war with its biggest threat—–CHINA

Senkakus (disputed islands) have a great amount of Oil and Gas reserves and also provides China a secured access (protected route) for ITS TRADE, which is endangered by the presence of US. Owing to the strategic importance of the islands, China can confront Japan, which will pull in US into the war because US has security agreement with Japan.

The military power of China is increasing day by day. She claims to have made its own drones and rapid development in its technology is a obvious message to its foes that China will not desist in case of aggression.

Having said all this, it is but a fact that the current globalization and interdependence among states has made it hard for World Powers to be involved in a military conflict. However, any such decision, if it came to it, will not be restricted to merely two countries but will involve almost the whole globe.

Mehboob Hassan
About the Author: Mehboob Hassan Read More Articles by Mehboob Hassan: 36 Articles with 63354 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.