Today Sehri & Iftar Time in Beccar - Argentina
Today, March 05 2025 - Beccar Sehri Time is 05:17 AM and Iftar Timing in Beccar is 7:28 PM, according to the 05 Ramadan 1446 in the Islamic calendar. The month of Ramadan's observance timings in Beccar are aligned with the position of sunrise and sunset. The city observes Sehri, the pre-dawn meal, at 05:17 AM, marking the beginning of the day's fast. As the sun dips below the horizon, the fast is broken at Iftar time, which is at 7:28 PM.
Note: 1 minute preventative difference in Sehri (-1 min) & Iftar (+1 min)
Beccar Sehri Time and Iftar Time 2025
March 05, 2025 - Today's Sehri time in Beccar is 05:17 AM, and Iftar time is 7:28 pm, corresponding to the Islamic date 05 Ramadan 1446. A complete 30-day Ramadan fasting calendar for Beccar, featuring daily Suhoor and Iftar timings, is available with an option to download in PDF format for convenience. The thirty days Ramadan 2025 timetable for Beccar is provided below, allowing you to easily view the daily Sehri and Iftar timings, including today's schedule. We try to offer accurate and reliable Sehri and Iftar timings to help you observe Ramadan with ease and precision.
Sehri Iftar Time for Beccar - Month of Ramadan 2025:
Managing your fasting schedule with a detailed Sehri and Iftar times calendar for Beccar. This comprehensive guide provides accurate timings for Sehri and Iftar, along with both Islamic and Georgian calendar dates, catering to the needs of individuals in Beccar and nearby areas daily all over the year and during the month of Ramadan.
Fasting, a fundamental pillar of Islam, involves partaking in the pre-dawn meal known as Sehri and breaking the fast with the evening meal, Iftar. Sehr o Iftar calendar of Hamariweb helps in planning, preparing in advance, and ensuring a smooth experience for those observing Roza or Sawm.
Remember, Sehri is also known as suhoor or Sahoor, while Iftar is referred to as iftari in various parts of the world.
Tips for a Hassle-Free Fasting Experience:
Follow the recommended practice of concluding your meal one or two minutes before the Azaan e Fajr. Ulema advises stopping eating a minute or two before the designated Sehri time. Ensure timely Iftar by knowing the exact Beccar Iftar time.
Permanent Sehri and Iftar Timings:
Our page offers a year-round schedule, allowing you to access Beccar roza timings not only for Ramadan 2025 but also for future dates. Both fiqa Hanafi Sunni and fiqa Jafria Shia timings are provided for your convenience. However, maintaining a one-minute difference between Beccar Sehri time and Iftar time is recommended. Stay informed and organized throughout the year with our user-friendly Beccar Sehri and Iftar times calendar. Plan your meals accordingly, easily observe the sacred month of Ramadan, and ensure a fulfilling fasting experience.
What is Beccar Sehri and Iftar time today?
Today Sehri and Iftar times in Beccar are as follows:
- Today Sehri time in Beccar for Fiqa Hanafi: 05:17 AM
- Today Iftar time in Beccar for Fiqa Hanafi: 7:28 PM
- Sehri time Beccar today Fiqa Jafria: 05:07 AM
- Today Iftar time Beccar Fiqa Jafria: 07:38 PM
What is the time of Sehri in Beccar?
Today 05 March 2025, the (suhoor) Sehri time in Beccar is 05:17 AM.
What is the time of Iftar in Beccar?
Today 05 March 2025, the (fasting) Iftar time in Beccar is 7:28 PM
What is the time of Sehri and Iftar in Beccar?
Sehri time Beccar today is 05:17 AM according to Fiqa Hanafi; and Iftar time Beccar Fiqa Hanafi is: 7:28 PM as on 05 March 2025.
What are the Sehri and Iftar times today according to Fiqh Jafria?
Sehri time Beccar today is 05:07 AM according to Fiqa Jafria (Shia); and Iftar time Beccar Fiqa Jafria is: 07:38 PM as on 05 March 2025.
What are today's start and end times for Ramadan fasting in Beccar?
The start of Ramadan Fasting in Beccar is 05:17 and end Time of Fasting in Beccar is 7:28 .
Disclaimer: We make every effort to verify all information in but it’s always better to double consult from your local Mosque / Masjid. If there is any issue, concern or you find any error, please email us at [email protected]. Please note there is a 1 minute preventative difference in both as Sehr Time set 1 minute earlier and Iftar 1 minute later here.