Islamic Date Today
20 Jan, 2025 - Worldwide Islamic date today is 20 Rajab 1446 in Arab countries and other parts of the world. South Asian countries, including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, observe the Islamic date as 19 Rajab 1446. The Islamic date, also known as Hijri or Arabic date, follows a lunar calendar with 12 months of 29 or 30 days, totaling 354 or 356 days in a year.
What is the Islamic Date today?
Islamic Date Today is 20 Rajab 1446 in Saudia Arabia.
Islamic date May 2025 - People often utilize the online Hijri calendar to find today Islamic date. This page is just perfect for reading the exact Islamic date today. It is noted that the Hijri date varies in different countries. For example, the moon date in Pakistan is often one day behind the Hijri date in Saudi Arabia.
Today Arabic Date in Saudi Arabia?
Today Hijri or Arabic date in Saudi Arabia is 20 Rajab 1446.
Each year, the Islamic calendar begins with the month of Muharram. The new Islamic year 1446 AH Arabic date started on July 7 in Saudi Arabia, USA, Canada, UK, UAE, and most countries in the world. However, the new Hijri year started on July 8 in Asian countries.
The Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar starting on 2nd January 2025, depending on the moon sighting. In Islamic history, this month is important as it includes a few events from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and major incidents that shaped the initial future of the Muslim community. This is the month of Isra and Miraj of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), when one night he was transported from Makkah to Jerusalem and then upwards to the heavens, and from there the first pillar of Islam was created: the prayer – five times a day. In addition, Rajab is also the birth anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) the great leader of early Islam, and his leadership remained ever significant in the community.
Today Arabic Date in Pakistan?
Today Hijri or Arabic date in Pakistan is 19 Rajab 1446.
Rajab is the month of preparing itself for the holy month, Shaban followed by Ramadan since the Muslims start preparing their minds and body for the fasting month. This month has teachings embedded in it and is observed as a month of sincerity and additional determined devotion to performing righteous deeds, displaying charity, and praying for blessings through prayer, fasting, and charity, thus strengthening the relationship with the prophetic character of Islam’s Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).
What month comes after Rajab?
Following Rajab, the Islamic calendar progresses into Shaban, the eighth month of the Islamic year, beginning in February 2025, depending on the sighting of the moon. It is also a month of uninterrupted worship and preparation which includes two Islamic events namely the Night of Mid-Shaban (Laylat al-Bara’) and preparation of the holy month of Ramadan. These events are important to understand the value of asking for Allah’s forgiveness and his mercy in addition to preparation for Fasting and worship during the Holy month of Ramadan. Shaban is a month where the Muslims dedicate their increased devotion to the recitation of the Quran, to perform extra prayers and charity. The month has great historical significance due to events such as the shift of Qibla from Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) to Kaaba in Makkah signifying the unity of Muslims in one direction of prayer. Shaban is considered a preparation stage for Ramadan from this perspective to increase Muslims’ spirituality and devotion on Allah (SWT).
Islamic date today in most Arab countries is 20 Rajab 1446.