Islamic Date today
Islamic Date today is
21 Shaban 1446 in Saudia Arabia.
Islamic date 2025 - People often utilize the online Hijri calendar to find today Islamic date. This page is just perfect for reading the exact Islamic date today. It is noted that the Hijri date varies in different countries. For example, the moon date in Pakistan is often one day behind the Hijri date in Saudi Arabia.
Islamic Calendar 2025
The Islamic Calendar defines important dates throughout history for Muslims in terms of the lunar months. Moon-based Calendars contain 12 months of either 29 or 30 days, according to the phases of the moon. Among the two most important months in the Islamic calendar are Ramadan and Dhul-Hijjah. Ramadan is largely a period of fasting and prayer and at the end of this, we celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. Also, Dhul-Hijjah marks the pilgrimage to Hajj and the upcoming festival of Eid al-Adha.
The basic Islamic Calendar 2025 will begin in Muharram. Key dates like Ramadan and Eid would be on local moon sightings. Knowing that the Islamic year is shorter than that in the Gregorian calendar year, Islamic events advance every year. It also aids Muslims in becoming a part of their connective aspect with faith and culture by contributing to their religious practices.
What is today’s date in Saudi Arabia according to the Islamic Calendar?
Today Hijri or Arabic date in Saudi Arabia is 21 Shaban 1446.
Each year, the Islamic calendar begins with the month of Muharram. The new Islamic year 1446 AH Arabic date started on July 7 in Saudi Arabia, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, and most countries in the world. However, the new Hijri year started on July 8 in Asian countries.
As per the Islamic calendar, Rajab, the seventh month of the Islamic year started on January 2nd. This month has special importance in Islamic history as several historical events have taken place that led to the early establishment of the Muslim community. Such is the great Isra and Miraj events that happened to the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH), during which the institution of the regular daily prayers (Salah) was revealed. In addition, the month of Rajab has the specificity of the Tabuk Battle, the strength of the early Muslim community united by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The birth of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) in the Kaaba which is counted as another blessing during this month of Rajab proves the importance of Imam Ali (RA) in early Islam.
Today Arabic Date in Pakistan?
Today Hijri or Arabic date in Pakistan is 21 Shaban 1446.
Rajab is one of the great Islamic months that is occupied with many religious and historical events that Muslims in general, around the world celebrate. It gives much significant value to the Isra and Miraj, the victory of the Muslim nation, and the biography of highly honored personalities like Imam Ali (RA). This month is also a period of spiritual exercises in preparation for the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims perform more prayers, fasting, and charity. Rajab helps in changing people’s belief system, make them bow their heads down in submission to Allah Almighty, and provides them with the enthusiasm to follow the footsteps of the forefathers of Islam and companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
What month comes after Rajab?
Rajab is followed by Sha’ban, the eighth month in the Islamic calendar, civil calendar, and other similar systems. However, Sha’ban is auspicious and is regarded as the month of preparation or cleansing before the virtue of the month of Ramadan. The month of Sha’ban itself is regarded as holy and individuals who devote themselves to more prayers and seek God’s forgiveness during this month get to mold their hearts for the arrival of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. This month has one of the most important events, the Night of Mid-Sha’ban also called Night of Baraat and people believe that it is a blessing and forgiveness night from Allah. On this night Muslims ask Allah for forgiveness of the sins that they committed throughout the past year and perform extra prayers. Following that, the Islamic year moves to Sha’ban, which is the preparation for the most spiritual month of the Islamic calendar-Ramadan, where Muslims concentrate on rededication to the teachings of Islam and increase their worship.
Islamic date today in most Arab countries is 21 Shaban 1446.