Bosnia and Herzegovina Prayer Times

Today Accurate Prayer Timings of Bosnia and Herzegovina, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access Bosnia and Herzegovina city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your Namaz. Stay updated with the latest prayer timings to ensure timely prayers across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Trustworthy Namaz times in Bosnia and Herzegovina ensure accurate and easy access to prayer schedules for better spiritual practice.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Bihac 5:31 am 11:46 am 1:58 pm 4:16 pm 5:56 pm
Bugojno 5:24 am 11:40 am 1:54 pm 4:13 pm 5:50 pm
Mostar 5:22 am 11:39 am 1:55 pm 4:13 pm 5:50 pm
Sarajevo 5:20 am 11:37 am 1:51 pm 4:10 pm 5:47 pm
Tuzla 5:20 am 11:35 am 1:48 pm 4:06 pm 5:45 pm
Zenica 5:22 am 11:38 am 1:52 pm 4:10 pm 5:48 pm
Banja Luka 5:26 am 11:41 am 1:53 pm 4:11 pm 5:50 pm
Bijeljina 5:18 am 11:33 am 1:45 pm 4:03 pm 5:42 pm
Prijedor 5:28 am 11:43 am 1:54 pm 4:12 pm 5:52 pm
Brcko 5:20 am 11:35 am 1:46 pm 4:04 pm 5:44 pm

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Need luka prayer time

  • Ali , Saudi Arabia
  • Sat 26 May, 2018

We love the online way that really help us to offer the five time prayers which we had many trouble to found the authentic prayers timing schedule

  • naseem , bosna
  • Mon 18 Dec, 2017

This schedule helps toe every Muslim to get offer5 the five time prayers at the right timing easily without get any trouble and laos guide to get remember the every prayers timing

  • ashna , bosna
  • Fri 15 Dec, 2017

This prayer timing schedule is really helpful to every Muslim that gives the best guidance to every Muslim to offer the five time prayers at the correct timing

  • reema , bosna
  • Sun 19 Nov, 2017

I visited hamari web for the very first time in my life just for watching the prayer timings of Zenica. I was so amazed to the people here. This page helped me a lot for offering prayer.

  • ghoshi , zenica
  • Sun 08 Oct, 2017