Dhaka Ramadan Timing 2025 (Today Sehri & Iftar Time Calendar)
Ramadan Calendar 2025 Dhaka is all about Dhaka Ramadan time including today Sehri Time at 04:39 and iftar time at 6:13 . Today, on Friday 28 Mar, 2025 is 27 Ramadan 1446 of the islamic month.
There is a few minutes difference in Fiqa Jafria Sehr o Iftar Time in Dhaka which is as follows Shia Sehri Time: 04:29 and Iftar Time: 06:23.
However, there are different variations of this name. It is called Ramadan in Arabic and other pronunciations are also common in different parts of the world like Ramzan, Ramazan, Ramadhan, and Ramathan. The Islamic calendar is usually ten to twelve days shorter than the Georgian calendar and Iftar time in Dhaka varies each year. It is a reason that a large number of people utilize the Ramadan calendar 2025 Dhaka to check Roza or Iftar time and Dhaka Sehri time.
The Muslim population living in Dhaka can remain updated with the Ramadan Calendar 2025 Dhaka and can analyze the number of fasting hours. Besides Sehri or Suhoor and Iftar time in Dhaka today, you can also view prayer timings, Qibla direction, and other information about Dhaka on other pages.
Sehri Time and Iftar Time Dhaka: Significance and Importance
There are two crucial hours of fasting during Ramadan and that is Sehri and Iftar time. Sehri time Dhaka is the hour of eating when Muslims take food and do Sehri before the Fajr prayer to make themselves full and have enough stamina entire day. On the other hand, Iftar time Dhaka is a meal taken when the sound of Adhan of Maghrib strikes.
Significance of Sehri (Pre-Dawn Meal)
Sehri time Dhaka carries deep importance as it provides the necessary nourishment to the soul and gives the energy required to sustain oneself throughout the day. Muslims should be grateful to Allah as He is Al-Muqeet, the Sustainer and the Provider who sustains every Muslim out there with delicious dishes at Sehri time Dhaka. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lit up the importance of having Sehri and encouraged believers not to skip it. Sehri is considered a blessed meal, and consuming it comes with spiritual and physical benefits
- Strengthen Physically:
Eating a balanced meal during Sehri time Dhaka helps to energize the human body the entire day, also it maintains energy levels, and prevents grumpiness during fasting.
- Have Rewards Spiritually: The act of waking up for Sehri is itself a form of worship, Allah bestows His mercy on those who wake up and even makes Sehri for everyone in the home.
- Get Away from Hunger Pain: Sehri helps in cutting down the intense hunger and thirst throughout the day, making the fast more manageable.
Importance of Iftar (Breaking the Fast)
Iftar time Dhaka is the time to practice gratitude and learn the lesson of patience in life. Also, it is the most significant time as it allows believers to break their fast with gratitude. The fast ended at sunset with the Maghrib prayer, and consuming dates and water is a Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
For the Muslims of Dhaka, who follow the accurate Iftar time Dhaka holds both religious and spiritual importance:
- Pay Gratitude to Allah (SWT): To break your fast at the accurate time when the voice strikes your ear, that time is an opportunity to thank Allah for the strength to fast throughout the day.
- Physical Replenishment: Iftar refuels and hydrates the body right after a long duration of fasting.
- Unity and Brotherhood: Iftar allows for that sense of community which is expressed as family and friends break their fast around each other.
The Spiritual Journey of Ramadan
Ramadan is symbolized as the month of keeping yourself away from food but it is more than that. There are the important times Sehri and Iftar, that consider just eating but they are not merely about eating and drinking. Those times grasp the spiritual importance, It is recommended for Muslims to engage in zikr, perform nafil prayers, and ask Allah for all their desires during Sehri time Dhaka.
It is the time to connect yourself with the AR-Rehman (The most beneficial) and Ar-Raheem (The most Merciful). By observing Iftar time Dhaka precisely, Muslims uphold their commitment to fasting and gain numerous rewards. Fasting during Ramadan is a pillar of Islam that teaches compassion, empathy for the less fortunate, and gratitude for Allah's blessings.
When Dhaka Ramadan Time 2025 is expected?
Ramadan starts in Dhaka 2025 is expected to take place on the evening of Friday, February 28th. Subsequently, the first day of fasting is anticipated to occur on Saturday, March 1st.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Dhaka as per Fiqh Hanafi?
Today Sehri time in Dhaka is 04:39 am and Iftar time in Dhaka as per Fiqa Hanafi is 6:13 pm as on 28 March 2025.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Dhaka as per Fiqh Jafria?
Today Sehri time in Dhaka is 04:39 am and Iftar time in Dhaka as per Fiqa Jafria is 6:13 pm as on 28 March 2025.
What is Dhaka Ramadan Sehri and Iftar time today?
Today Sehri and Iftar times in Dhaka are as follows:
- Today Sehri time in Dhaka is 04:39 am
- Today Iftar time in Dhaka is 6:13 pm
Dhaka Sehri End Time?
Today 28 Mar, 2025 Dhaka Sehri End Time is 04:39 .
How Long Fasting Time Today?
Today fasting time in Dhaka is around 13 hours 34 minutes.
Dhaka Fasting Start and End Time
Today 28 Mar, 2025 Sehri time ends at 04:39 and Iftar time starts at 6:13 .
Ramadan 2025 Dhaka Start and End Date
This year Ramadan in Dhaka is expected to start on 28 February and ends on 29 March 2025.