Eid Ul Adha 2025 in Germany

Eid ul Adha 2025 Date in Germany starts on 16 June 2025 and ends on 18 June 2025. Eid ul Adha or Eid ul Azha is known as the Festival of Sacrifice in the Islamic faith and Muslims worldwide. Eid ul Adha 2025 date in Germany observes every year in the month of Zul Hijjah or Dhul Hijjah and the Islamic date of 10. Eid ul Azha or Bakra Eid is also called Eid Al Adha in the Arabic world.

Eid Ul Adha 2025 date in Germany

Event Eid Ul Adha
Date Evening of 06 June, 2025
Hijri Date 10 Zulhijjah 1446 AH

Eid Ul Adha in Germany 2025

Eid Ul Adha in Germany is 06 June, 2025 (10 Zulhijjah 1446 AH). In Islam, there are several Islamic events that have their own significance. However, Eid Ul Adha is also among the holiest event in Islam. Each year, Muslims in Germany do special arrangements regarding the event. They eagerly wait for the moon sighting to be aware about the confirmed date of Eid Ul Adha in Germany and to plan their activities accordingly.

On this page, you can check the complete and authentic information about Eid Ul Adha in Germany. By utilizing this portal, you can check the exact date on which Eid Ul Adha will be expected in Germany. On the other side, you can also check the dates of other key Islamic events in Germany.

It is recommended that you should bookmark this page so you can easily access this informative portal regarding Eid Ul Adha in Germany. However, if you want to check the Eid Ul Adha date in other countries then you can visit their respective pages.

What is the Date of Eid ul Adha 2025 Germany?

Eid ul Adha 2025 in Germany falls on the evening of Saturday, June 15, 2025, to Saturday, June 18, 2025.

What Date is Eid 2025?

Eid Al Adha 2025 dates are 16th of June, and end date 18 June 2025.

Eid ul Adha exact date 2025 Germany?

Eid ul Adha exact date 2025 in Germany is to happen on 16 June, 2025.

Eid Ul Adha 2025 Germany dates for Stuttgart, Muenchen, Bremen, Hamburg, Frankfurt Am Main, Dortmund, Koeln, Berlin, Duesseldorf and other cities are also available on this page.

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Latest Reviews

In Arabic, Eid means a festival. The festival of breaking the fast is approaching. I wish all Muslims a joyful and prosperous Eid ul Adha. May Allah SWT accept our sacrifices. Ameen.

  • Huma, Germany

Insightful details about Eid-ul-Adha in Germany. Easy to read and understand.

  • Behzad, Germany

The best part about Eid is the gifts that the young gets. They are the most excited for them for a week ago. May Allah always grant such happiness to all. Ameen

  • Farhana, Germany

I rely on this site to know Eid dates in Germany. It's consistently accurate, thank you!

  • Imran, Germany

I found this article on Eid-ul-Adha in Germany to be quite enlightening. It’s good to see how traditions are maintained.

  • Saba, Germany