Eid Ul Adha 2025 in Sweden

Eid ul Adha 2025 Date in Sweden starts on 16 June 2025 and ends on 18 June 2025. Eid ul Adha or Eid ul Azha is known as the Festival of Sacrifice in the Islamic faith and Muslims worldwide. Eid ul Adha 2025 date in Sweden observes every year in the month of Zul Hijjah or Dhul Hijjah and the Islamic date of 10. Eid ul Azha or Bakra Eid is also called Eid Al Adha in the Arabic world.

Eid Ul Adha 2025 date in Sweden

Event Eid Ul Adha
Date Evening of 06 June, 2025
Hijri Date 10 Zulhijjah 1446 AH

Eid Ul Adha in Sweden 2025

Eid Ul Adha in Sweden is 06 June, 2025 (10 Zulhijjah 1446 AH). In Islam, there are several Islamic events that have their own significance. However, Eid Ul Adha is also among the holiest event in Islam. Each year, Muslims in Sweden do special arrangements regarding the event. They eagerly wait for the moon sighting to be aware about the confirmed date of Eid Ul Adha in Sweden and to plan their activities accordingly.

On this page, you can check the complete and authentic information about Eid Ul Adha in Sweden. By utilizing this portal, you can check the exact date on which Eid Ul Adha will be expected in Sweden. On the other side, you can also check the dates of other key Islamic events in Sweden.

It is recommended that you should bookmark this page so you can easily access this informative portal regarding Eid Ul Adha in Sweden. However, if you want to check the Eid Ul Adha date in other countries then you can visit their respective pages.

What is the Date of Eid ul Adha 2025 Sweden?

Eid ul Adha 2025 in Sweden falls on the evening of Saturday, June 15, 2025, to Saturday, June 18, 2025.

What Date is Eid 2025?

Eid Al Adha 2025 dates are 16th of June, and end date 18 June 2025.

Eid ul Adha exact date 2025 Sweden?

Eid ul Adha exact date 2025 in Sweden is to happen on 16 June, 2025.

Eid Ul Adha 2025 Sweden dates for Uppsala, Huddinge, Kista, Stockholm, Helsingborg, Malmoe, Goeteborg, Linkoeping, Oerebro, Vaesteras and other cities are also available on this page.

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Latest Reviews

I wish all a happy and healthy Eid ul Adha. Have a blessed Eid of 2022. May Allah accept our sacrifice and reward us.

  • Musa , Sweden

Eid ul Adha is also known as Greater or Bakra Eid. It is the most precious time for all the Muslims living in any corner of the world.

  • Kiran , Sweden

The festive of Eid is the brightest and the joyous of all. It is the time most vibrant in the life of a muslim. May Allah always bring such happiness in the life of all.

  • Javed , Stockholm

Sweden is a beautiful place with beatifully mosques. These mosques are visited in Eid and are occupied by muslims coming from various locations.

  • Abdul Qayum, Sweden

Eid ul Adha is also k nown as Bakra Eid, greater Eid and sacrificing Eid. This Eid we should also commit to sacrifice holding all the grudged against each other. And behave with love and respect to each that has been thought to us. Eid ul Adha is a great opportunity to revive the old relation and move on with a great heart.

  • Basit, Sweden