On this page, you can check dates related to the Eid ul Fitr in Pakistan and worldwide. This year it was celebrated on 9 April 2025 in the Arab world and Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and other countries Eid ul Fitr on Wed, April 10, 2025. However, the date will depend on the moon's sighting. You can visit the Islamic calendar or pages of other Islamic events regarding their expected dates.
The Eid ul Fitr festival means “the festival of fast-breaking” in Arabic. Eid ul Fitr is one of the most precious festive for Muslim Ummah, the Eid festival falls on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, after the Holy month of Ramzan, and is also celebrated as the conclusion of the blessings in the month of Ramzan, as soon as the moon is sighted. Eid ul Fitr is a festivity done on the first three days of Shawwal. The festival holds great importance as it is a time to meet and greet while enjoying with loved ones.
The Day begins with the offering of communal prayers and listening to the sermon, wearing new clothes for that special day, and greeting everyone by saying “Eid Mubarak”. Eid is also a tradition of giving gifts (especially money) to close family members primarily to the children. This Eid has less important value than other Eid called Eid ul Azha in the Islamic point of view, but it has its significant importance.
The three days public holiday is given on account of Eid ul Fitr by the government of Pakistan; it is the days off for schools, colleges, and fewer businesses. In other countries where Muslims are in the minority, they offer prayers and go for their routine work. Mostly Eid is celebrated on weekends in Muslim minor places, where the Muslim community organizes a get-together and celebrates the festival. The sweet dish is essential for the festival as this festival is also called “Meethi Eid” in the Urdu language.