Ethiopia Prayer Times

Today Accurate Prayer Timings of Ethiopia, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in Ethiopia. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access Ethiopia city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your Namaz. Stay updated with the latest prayer timings to ensure timely prayers across Ethiopia. Trustworthy Namaz times in Ethiopia ensure accurate and easy access to prayer schedules for better spiritual practice.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Addis Ababa 5:11 am 12:15 pm 3:35 pm 6:04 pm 7:14 pm
Bahir Dar 5:21 am 12:20 pm 3:38 pm 6:05 pm 7:16 pm
Dese 5:11 am 12:11 pm 3:30 pm 5:57 pm 7:07 pm
Gonder 5:22 am 12:20 pm 3:37 pm 6:03 pm 7:14 pm
Dire Dawa 5:00 am 12:02 pm 3:22 pm 5:50 pm 7:01 pm
Debre Zeyit 5:10 am 12:14 pm 3:34 pm 6:03 pm 7:14 pm
Jima 5:17 am 12:23 pm 3:44 pm 6:14 pm 7:24 pm
Nazret 5:09 am 12:13 pm 3:33 pm 6:03 pm 7:13 pm
Mek Ele 5:15 am 12:12 pm 3:28 pm 5:53 pm 7:05 pm
Awasa 5:10 am 12:16 pm 3:38 pm 6:08 pm 7:18 pm

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Latest Reviews on Ethiopia Prayer Timings

I live in Addis Ababa and often use this website to check the prayer time for my city. It is such an informative website.

  • Abbas , Addis Ababa
  • Thu 24 Dec, 2020

Addis Ababa prayer timings is officially mentioned here so every Muslim can easily get the official prayer timings of their city with the very easy access

  • Hasan , karachi
  • Mon 08 Apr, 2019

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  • kamran , multan
  • Wed 02 Jan, 2019

Get the prayer timings for the jimma city where we can easily see the complete information what we really want to see online here

  • ammara , jimma
  • Fri 28 Dec, 2018

The best prayers timing schedule available there with the every updated information that helps to every Muslim to offer the five time prayers at the correct timing

  • arshia , jimma
  • Sat 01 Dec, 2018