Today Prayer Times Indianapolis, USA
Today 23 Dec, 2024, Indianapolis Namaz Timings are Fajr 6:42 AM, Dhuhr 12:44 PM, Asr 3:07 PM, Maghrib 5:25 PM & Isha 6:46 PM.
The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Indianapolis, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Indianapolis, Maghrib Indianapolis prayer times & Isha Indianapolis Namaz timing are available. Today's 22 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 Indianapolis namaz timing with next 7 days Schedule from 23 Dec, 2024 to 29 Dec, 2024 with customizable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. On other hand, you may also read Indianapolis zawal time updates with complete start and end time details.
Today Indianapolis Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Indianapolis is 8:03 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Indianapolis is 6:42 AM. Along with Indianapolis Prayers times you can also read the Indianapolis Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Indianapolis Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria (shia).
Prayer Timing Customization
By using this option you can change or adjust timing according to your country's prayer calculation methods. These timings are available for all Sunni schools of thought including Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali.
You may also find here makrooh time updates including
Indianapolis zawal time with complete details start and end time.
Indianapolis Sun Set time that is also called Iftar Time in Indianapolis is 5:26 PM and Dawn break Time that is also end of Sehri Time in Indianapolis at 6:41 AM. Sehri and Iftar time is also called Ramadan Time during the month of Ramadan.
Indianapolis Prayer Time - Indianapolis is one of the most populous city of United State of America that is consolidated with the total population 867,125 in the present year 2019 as per the World population review, these population density embraces a large number of Muslims it is highly difficult to figure out an exact value of Muslim population.
The Islamic religion was introduced in Indianapolis several years ago when several Muslims immigrants from different countries were settled in the city. Here Muslims are live peacefully and freely, they can comfortably follow their Islamic religion and traditions even though many Non-Muslims in Indianapolis had celebrated Eid feast with Muslims.
Apart from that the city has several mosques and Islamic institutions where Muslims can perform all the religious teachings and values. Among various mosques, some of them are listed below.
• Islamic Center of Indianapolis.
• Masjid Al-Fajr.
• Masjid Al Mumineen.
Therefore, if you ever visited Indianapolis and want to get official and accurate Indianapolis Prayer time so you can easily and freely access this opportunity from this web page. This website offers current, 7 days and 30 days of the schedule of 7days and 30 days Namaz timings of Indianapolis. Here the timetable shows all the beginning Salah timings of Indianapolis that will assure you to offer Namaz on time.
Besides this, you can also get Indianapolis Nawafil time so that you can perform it on time and get an extra reward from ALLAH. The page will also give correct and proper Qiblah direction of Indianapolis so that ensure you to easily perform Salat on right Qiblah direction. Last not the least here you can also find out Prayer timings of Indianapolis along with different calculation methods and Juristic method and allows you to set it and adjust it as per your requirements.
Indianapolis Prayer Times Today
Prayer Time in Indianapolis for Monday 23 Dec 2024 are:
- Fajr Time in Indianapolis: 6:42 AM
- Zuhr Time in Indianapolis: 12:44 PM
- Asr Time in Indianapolis: 3:07 PM
- Maghrib Time in Indianapolis: 5:25 PM
- Isha Time in Indianapolis: 6:46 PM
Q: What is Fajr time in Indianapolis?
A: Fajr start time in Indianapolis is at 6:42 AM and end time is 8:03 AM. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats as 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.
Q: What time is Ishraq in Indianapolis?
A: Ishraq Namaz Timing in Indianapolis today starts at 08:18 AM and the end time is 10:23 AM.
Q: What is Zuhr Time in Indianapolis?
A: Zuhr starting time in Indianapolis is at 12:44 PM and the ending time is 3:07 PM. Zuhr Salah consists of 12 Rakat, including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 nafl.
Q: What is Asr time in Indianapolis?
A: Today Asr prayer start time in Indianapolis is 3:07 PM, and it ends at 5:25 PM. It's an afternoon prayer consisting of 8 Rakat: 4 Sunnat and 4 Farz.
Q: What time is Maghrib in Indianapolis?
A: Maghrib start time in Indianapolis is at 5:25 PM, and the maghrib time end is 6:46 PM. It's a sunset prayer consisting of 7 Rakat: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat, and 2 Nafl.
Q: What is Isha Time in Indianapolis?
A: Today Isha Namaz time Indianapolis starts at 6:46 PM and ends time at 6:42 AM. It's a night prayer consisting of 17 Rakat: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.