New Zealand Prayer Times

Today Accurate Prayer Timings of New Zealand, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in New Zealand. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access New Zealand city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your Namaz. Stay updated with the latest prayer timings to ensure timely prayers across New Zealand. Trustworthy Namaz times in New Zealand ensure accurate and easy access to prayer schedules for better spiritual practice.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Auckland 4:06 am 1:11 pm 5:02 pm 8:27 pm 10:09 pm
Manukau City 4:05 am 1:10 pm 5:02 pm 8:27 pm 10:09 pm
North Shore 4:06 am 1:11 pm 5:02 pm 8:27 pm 10:08 pm
Waitakere 4:06 am 1:11 pm 5:03 pm 8:27 pm 10:09 pm
Tauranga 3:56 am 1:05 pm 4:58 pm 8:23 pm 10:07 pm
Christchurch 3:28 am 1:19 pm 5:24 pm 8:56 pm 11:01 pm
Dunedin 3:57 am 2:13 pm 6:22 pm 9:58 pm 12:16 am
Hamilton 3:59 am 1:09 pm 5:02 pm 8:27 pm 10:11 pm
Lower Hutt 3:38 am 1:10 pm 5:10 pm 8:39 pm 10:34 pm
Wellington 3:38 am 1:11 pm 5:11 pm 8:40 pm 10:35 pm

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Latest Reviews on New Zealand Prayer Timings

I can easily remember the five time prayers timing schedule of Wellington city that helps to offer the five time prayers easily

  • Zahid , Wellington
  • Tue 21 Mar, 2023

Namaz timming hanafia

  • Naseer , Auckland
  • Mon 17 Oct, 2022

It is now much simpler fro me to check the accurate prayer time of my city Auckland due to this website.

  • Asim , Auckland
  • Mon 07 Dec, 2020

Auckland prayer timings is officially available here and this is the best sheet which helps me really much to get the perfect prayer timings of my city

  • ali , auckland
  • Wed 12 Jun, 2019

for a long time I used this website because I mostly visit different countries and I used this website for prayer time because in every country prayer timing is change.

  • saeed , chinot
  • Sat 27 Apr, 2019