Philadelphia Ramadan Timing 2025 (Today Sehri & Iftar Time Calendar)
Ramadan Calendar 2025 Philadelphia is all about Philadelphia Ramadan time including today Sehri Time at 05:39 and iftar time at 7:19 . Today, on Tuesday 25 Mar, 2025 is 25 Ramadan 1446 of the islamic month.
There is a few minutes difference in Fiqa Jafria Sehr o Iftar Time in Philadelphia which is as follows Shia Sehri Time: 05:29 and Iftar Time: 07:29.
However, there are different variations of this name. It is called Ramadan in Arabic and other pronunciations are also common in different parts of the world like Ramzan, Ramazan, Ramadhan, and Ramathan. The Islamic calendar is usually ten to twelve days shorter than the Georgian calendar and Iftar time in Philadelphia varies each year. It is a reason that a large number of people utilize the Ramadan calendar 2025 Philadelphia to check Roza or Iftar time and Philadelphia Sehri time.
The Muslim population living in Philadelphia can remain updated with the Ramadan Calendar 2025 Philadelphia and can analyze the number of fasting hours. Besides Sehri or Suhoor and Iftar time in Philadelphia today, you can also view prayer timings, Qibla direction, and other information about Philadelphia on other pages.
Philadelphia is home to 200,000 Muslims. Philadelphia has more than 40 mosques. Muslims live in unity, friendship, and harmony. Muslims in Philadelphia have come from different regions like the Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Philadelphia has the largest Muslim population. Philadelphia is the home to many African-American Muslims.
The Muslim community celebrates Ramadan and enjoys Sehri and Iftar together. Muslims from different areas come and participate in the Islamic center activities. Sehri and Iftar are held among families, relatives, and neighbors. Some mosques in Philadelphia are Al-Aqsa Islamic Society, Masjid Al-Jamia, Masjid Mujahideen, Masjid Al-Furqan, Albanian Masjid, Masjid Al-Salam, and many others have to conduct Ramadan prayers for believers. Other than Islamic centers in Philadelphia like MYCP Muslim Youth Center of Philadelphia, Al-Aqsa Islamic Society, Northeast Philadelphia Islamic Center, Al-Rashideen Islamic Center, Al-Hidaya Islamic Center, and many others have been providing quality teaching with professionals.
Embrace the Ramadan spirit in Philadelphia with mosques like City Center Masjid and Masjidullah hosting vibrant events. Delight in the diverse flavors of iftar, from savory kebabs to sweet baklava. Experience the community bond during taraweeh prayers and hearty sehri gatherings. Stay connected to your spiritual journey while keeping track of iftar time today in Philadelphia through the Philadelphia Ramadan calendar, ensuring a seamless and joyous Ramadan celebration in the Emerald City.
These Islamic centers have assisted Muslims in the teaching of the Quran and its learning. These centers are highly professional with high-quality management. The Islamic center is designed with large halls and separate rooms for women and kids. Iftaar is performed with friends and family. Muslims living here are devoted to religious practices like Taraweeh, Quran recitation, Shab e Qadr, and many others. Shops and restaurants are usually open till Sehri for the Muslim community. The time mentioned above is for Sehri and Iftar in Philadelphia with a slight difference in other cities in the United States.
Ramadan in Philadelphia is marked by a variety of events and activities that bring the community together. Mosques and community centers offer daily prayers and special evening programs, while local restaurants and food establishments offer special menus to accommodate those observing the fast. In addition, there are also street festivals, picnics, and other community events that are held to celebrate Ramadan and promote cultural awareness.
Eid al-Fitr in Philadelphia: A Festival of Joy and Gratitude
Philadelphia's Muslim community celebrates Eid ul-Fitr with a variety of events, including parades, picnics, and community gatherings. Mosques and community centers offer special prayers and religious services, and local restaurants and food establishments offer special dishes and treats to mark the occasion. Eid al-Fitr in Philadelphia is also a time for the wider community to learn about and appreciate Muslim culture and traditions.
Philadelphia's Muslim community is an integral part of the city's cultural fabric, and its celebrations of Ramadan and Eid are a testament to its thriving and vibrant nature. These holidays provide an opportunity for the community to come together, practice their faith, and promote cultural awareness and understanding. Whether you're a member of the Muslim community or simply looking to learn more about its culture and traditions, there's no better time to experience the joy and spirit of Ramadan and Eid in Philadelphia.
When Philadelphia Ramadan Time 2025 is expected?
Ramadan starts in Philadelphia 2025 is expected to take place on the evening of Friday, February 28th. Subsequently, the first day of fasting is anticipated to occur on Saturday, March 1st.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Philadelphia as per Fiqh Hanafi?
Today Sehri time in Philadelphia is 05:39 am and Iftar time in Philadelphia as per Fiqa Hanafi is 7:19 pm as on 25 March 2025.
What is today's Sehri and Iftar timing in Philadelphia as per Fiqh Jafria?
Today Sehri time in Philadelphia is 05:39 am and Iftar time in Philadelphia as per Fiqa Jafria is 7:19 pm as on 25 March 2025.
What is Philadelphia Ramadan Sehri and Iftar time today?
Today Sehri and Iftar times in Philadelphia are as follows:
- Today Sehri time in Philadelphia is 05:39 am
- Today Iftar time in Philadelphia is 7:19 pm
Philadelphia Sehri End Time?
Today 25 Mar, 2025 Philadelphia Sehri End Time is 05:39 .
How Long Fasting Time Today?
Today fasting time in Philadelphia is around 13 hours 40 minutes.
Philadelphia Fasting Start and End Time
Today 25 Mar, 2025 Sehri time ends at 05:39 and Iftar time starts at 7:19 .
Ramadan 2025 Philadelphia Start and End Date
This year Ramadan in Philadelphia is expected to start on 28 February and ends on 29 March 2025.