Today Zawal Time in Pickstown
Jan 05, 2025 (3 Rajab 1446), Today Zawal Time in Pickstown starts time is 11:57 AM & end time is 12:40 PM. Today sunrise starts time is 08:06 AM & end time is 08:21 AM. This accurate Zawal time in Pickstown helps you to know at what time its prohibited to offer prayer in Pickstown.
Pickstown Prayer Time
Zawal time or Zawal waqt is the crucial moment regarding the salah and other sorts of ibadah. When talking about the meaning of “Zawal”, it means the occasion when the sun moves away from the central meridian but not time as the meridian as it was usually mistaken. Zawal is an occasion when Zuhr prayer starts.
There is another Islamic term regarding prayer time that is called Istiwa. It is a time when the sun reaches the highest peak at noon and it is not permissible to offer Salat at the forbidden prayer times Hanafi or any other sect. However, this time is usually mistook as Zawal time today. The knowledge about zawal and sunrise and sunset makrooh times gives information about the prohibited time for salah today. On the other side, you can also get an idea of when is it makrooh to pray Asr. However, there is no makrooh time for reading Quran.
The Zawal time in Pickstown is the time frame in which the sun is at the highest point or zenith or midday and the prayer is not allowed. It is in reality, a momentary period of just a few minutes. Jurists, due to caution, include few minutes from either part of it to be the prayer’s forbidden time. So Muslims avoid prayer three to five minutes approx. before noon and three to five minutes afternoon. Zawal Time in Pickstown is noted that noon is regarded as the midpoint between sunrise and dusk falling (Ghurub). It is good to offer the Maghrib prayer as soon as possible to avoid the makrūh or makrooh time for maghrib.
On the other side, Sunrise time in Pickstown is the moment when the time of Fajr prayer ends. Prayer is not allowed before and after the few minutes of Sunrise. On this page, you can check the Zawal time in Pickstown along with Sunrise time in Pickstown and makrooh time for namaz in Urdu.