Thailand Prayer Times

Today Accurate Prayer Timings of Thailand, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in Thailand. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access Thailand city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your Namaz. Stay updated with the latest prayer timings to ensure timely prayers across Thailand. Trustworthy Namaz times in Thailand ensure accurate and easy access to prayer schedules for better spiritual practice.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Chiang Mai 5:34 am 12:23 pm 3:31 pm 5:53 pm 7:06 pm
Nakhon Ratchasima 5:16 am 12:10 pm 3:23 pm 5:48 pm 7:00 pm
Pak Kret 5:21 am 12:17 pm 3:31 pm 5:56 pm 7:08 pm
Bangkok 5:21 am 12:17 pm 3:31 pm 5:56 pm 7:08 pm
Mueang Nonthaburi 5:21 am 12:17 pm 3:31 pm 5:56 pm 7:08 pm
Samut Prakan 5:20 am 12:16 pm 3:31 pm 5:56 pm 7:08 pm
Chon Buri 5:18 am 12:15 pm 3:30 pm 5:55 pm 7:07 pm
Si Racha 5:18 am 12:15 pm 3:30 pm 5:56 pm 7:07 pm
Hat Yai 5:10 am 12:17 pm 3:38 pm 6:08 pm 7:19 pm
Udon Thani 5:17 am 12:08 pm 3:17 pm 5:40 pm 6:53 pm

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Latest Reviews on Thailand Prayer Timings

Thank you for the info!!!!

  • Ima , Malaysia
  • Sun 16 Oct, 2022

The magharib time it's not correct. Now is 18.35 and sun is still

  • Ali , Pattaya
  • Sat 27 Aug, 2022

It is good to see that timing of all five prayers in Krabi are provided here. It is such a wonderful website.

  • Fahad , Krabi
  • Tue 01 Dec, 2020

There are very few mosques in Pattaya that's why I use this website to check the accurate and updated prayer time.

  • Parvez , Pattaya
  • Tue 01 Dec, 2020

I live in Phuket and this website helps me a lot to offer prayers at their respective times without any hassle.

  • Hammad , Phuket
  • Tue 01 Dec, 2020