UK Prayer Times

Today Accurate Prayer Timings of UK, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in UK. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access UK city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your Namaz. Stay updated with the latest prayer timings to ensure timely prayers across UK. Trustworthy Namaz times in UK ensure accurate and easy access to prayer schedules for better spiritual practice.

City Fajar Dhuhur Asr Maghrib Isha
Birmingham 6:08 am 12:06 pm 1:40 pm 3:56 pm 5:57 pm
City Of London 5:59 am 11:59 am 1:38 pm 3:54 pm 5:51 pm
Leeds 6:09 am 12:05 pm 1:32 pm 3:47 pm 5:53 pm
Liverpool 6:14 am 12:10 pm 1:40 pm 3:55 pm 5:59 pm
Manchester 6:12 am 12:07 pm 1:37 pm 3:52 pm 5:56 pm
Sheffield 6:08 am 12:04 pm 1:34 pm 3:49 pm 5:53 pm
Glasgow 6:24 am 12:15 pm 1:32 pm 3:45 pm 5:59 pm
Bristol 6:09 am 12:09 pm 1:48 pm 4:04 pm 6:01 pm
Edinburgh 6:20 am 12:11 pm 1:28 pm 3:40 pm 5:55 pm

UK Prayer Timings (Top Cities)

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Latest Reviews on UK Prayer Timings

Very good

  • Prof Dr Muhammad Ishaq Mansoori , Didcot
  • Wed 26 Jul, 2023

Dewsbury is home to several mosques that serve the Muslim community in the area. Some of the prominent mosques in Dewsbury include the Markazi Mosque, Madina Masjid, and the Masjid-e-Taqwa.

  • Lubna , Dewsbury
  • Thu 11 May, 2023

The prayer timing schedule for Blackburn is extremely beneficial not only for me but also for the Muslim community residing there. The website provides accurate and reliable information, enabling me to conveniently check the weekly schedule of prayers.

  • Babar , Blackburn
  • Thu 11 May, 2023

The prayer timing sheet for Birmingham is now easily accessible online for all its residents. I have personally used this service and found it highly convenient, as it allows me to quickly and easily perform my prayers.

  • Wardah , Birmingham
  • Thu 11 May, 2023

London boasts around 2000 Mosques. Having lived in the city for the past five years. The time spent praying together with family holds a special place in my heart as it brings back the fondest memories.

  • Kavish , London
  • Wed 10 May, 2023