Smoking Culture Among Youth

(Usama Khatri, Karachi)

Smoking Causes Cancer

Smoking is injurious to health it is common message that we hear and see in different commercials and movies but what we are doing?? Youngsters nowadays have become very attracted towards smoking with their gathering. They nowadays see smoking in a sort of fashion and something very cool. If one guy in a gathering of five friends is chain-smoker than remaining four are attracted towards it and they also start smoking just to complete or look cool like their friends.

Nowadays chai hotels in Karachi have pan shop near them and it has become a necessity for any chai hotel to have a cigerrate shop near them because after every cup of tea youngsters always want a cigerrate which increases the test chai according to them. In the recent times government decided that shopkeepers should not sell cigerrates without a complete packet of it, but this act was not accomplished by the shopkeepers and this trend is still going on.

Smoking is very common in students. They are found smoking in colleges and universities premises and non of the college and university have taken any serious action on this issue. Particularly university students are getting more and more involved in this smoking culture with every passing moment. Many times students have been caught smoking during the classes and many such incidents have been reported on social media lately.

Government and other higher authorities have to take serious action on this issue and on the administration of different universities as well because this culture have been growing from the education institutes , universities in particular. Management of such universities must take serious action on those students who smoke in the university premises, because this is the particular from which this culture has been growing.

Despite of all it is our responsibility that we should look after our young generation.

Usama Khatri
About the Author: Usama Khatri Read More Articles by Usama Khatri: 12 Articles with 14352 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.