Harassment covers a
wide range of offensive or unwanted
behavior in order to make other person
uncomfortable most often women are the
victims of harassment and the offenders
are male. Harassment is a form of
illegal and discrimination and all the
human rights law prohibit this Act but
the ratio of the Harassment is
continuously increasing although laws
are present in our society.
The most significant factor is our
culture values and the relative power
and status of the men and women in our
society. The way women and men are
brought up in our society influence
their behavior. Such Patriarchal
atmosphere that allows men the freedom
of sexual Harassment in law workplace.
Harassment is a worldwide growing
problem in every sector, private sector,
schools, or institutes the effects of
Harassment can be physical, emotional,
and psychological. Harassment is Deeping
its roots which cause adverse effect to
the growth of economy who leads to lower
morale and low productivity.
Our society is complex. We claim to be
democratic and free, however we never
talk about myriad deep rooted issue that
have insured our society we declare to
be an Islamic state, then why our women
feel safer in Europe and America than
this Islamic islam? Who claims to give
women rights, our state and people are
diplomatic actually.