Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors,and the most patient of teachers,”said renowned American academic Charls W.Eliot.Even he wouldn’t have imaginedthat in less than 100 years,his words would be used as a motivational tool to encourage the youth to pick up reading as a our fast-paced world, people are distancing themselves from reading books,because they have other options,like watching movies,eating out or simply doing nothing !

There is no harm in indulding in any of these,like movies since it relaxes the viewers and manages to divert peoples attension from the tension of the day.however, it fails to provide a whole-some learning experience which books provide.those belonging to the previous generation believe that one of the main difference between them and the current crop is that of being resourceful, and, contrary to the popular belief,books are still the best source in the internet-dominated world.

Experts believe that “can’t read” is not the problem here,rather it’s “won’t read” .the likely culprits for this offence are television, movies and the internet.while people used to visit libraries to search for the information in the past,they now turn to the websites like wikipedia and search engine like google.they do not realize that all this available on the world wide web is not authentic,hence,should not be accepted as a final word or on face value.

A steep decline in reading among youngsters means that by the time they will become adults,those who have reada novel will be outnumbered by those who haven’ can this generation fit reading into their busy schedule?they have to watch tv,brows the internet,go for soccer practice,play video games and,once in a while,finish their homework.

Mark twain must have foreseen the future when he said,”the man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.”yet we are growing into a nation where those who cant read are as large in number as are the once who haven’t read good books.

It isn’t too late,and the dying habit of readind can still be revived.however,it will be a daunting task when in the future people “won’t read”,as opposed to those who “can’t read.”

About the Author: SEHAR ERUM NURIE Read More Articles by SEHAR ERUM NURIE: 4 Articles with 3813 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.