Don't let our future be spoiled!!

(Erum Qureshi, Karachi)

it seems very ordinary that a person thinks n asks what life is?? but in fact this is the question upon which our life is based. every one wants to settle down the problems and issues raised in his life. but how one decides that the issue he facing is a problem or just an issue?? this is based upon what he thinks about life? every one should have a very clear perception of life. the priorities should be decided at the stage when he is going to enter his practical life. at that time he needs most the moral help of his elders. teachers, parents, elder siblings and ideal personalities help a man to decide about his lie style and priorities.

usually in our country, this is the time when students pass out their matriculation. students belonging to middle and lower class (social) mostly face the problem while choosing the appropriate subjects for their future. they don't know which subjects will help them in the future. usually it is said to them that just adopt the subjects of your own interest. but it is a fact that they have to earn livelihood after completing some level o education. and in case that a student adopts such a subject which has less chances of economical n financial future, the life will be ruined. because there is no reverse gear of age.

in my opinion, students should adopt science, engineering or IT subjects after matriculation. because if some one takes interest in Fine Arts but this is a reality that in our country there is no bright scope for this subject as a country where people live hand to mouth can not give money in such a profession. but after completing the studies, a person can learn this through any institute and may adopt it as a hobby. that will become an extra or additional qualification. but the focus should be on professions. we need teachers and professionals of compulsory subjects like Maths, Physics,etc.

more over special classes or career counseling at school level. so that students may adopt the right choice. they are the future o our country and please don't let our future be spoiled...!

Erum Qureshi
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