Energy crises & CPEC contribution

(Ahsan Amin, Peshawar)


Energy crises are one of those issues which hit the Pakistan as soon as Pakistan was established and these crises are unsolved until know after 71 years. The supply and demand gap is increasing rapidly, like other developing countries Pakistan is also facing energy crises due rapidly increasing population and its dependence on primary source of energy and increased urbanization the consumer demand for electricity is increasing at fast rate, 85% growth has been observed in last 15 years. According to these figures in 2050 the energy demand is estimated to be increased up to tree fold while the situation on supply side is not very encouraging. There are only 10 to 19 years left respectively for the depletion of oil and gas reserve. The abundant coal reserves which are available are not utilized properly and due to which they are not producing energy effectively as they should be. The deficiency in the electricity is negatively affecting our economic growth and stand as wall between our success. These number of supply gap will be increasing at fast pace in the future until or unless some effective concrete and rapid measure are not taken to make some alternate source of power generation in the country.

Energy crises has severe impact on the economy of a country because economy of a country is dependent on it there for it is necessary that the country must produce more energy than and fill this energy gap and this will promote industrialist and Foreign investors.

Pakistan comes under those countries who have unstable energy infrastructure and that’s why country is facing alarming energy crises and they are not investing in those project which can effectively produce the energy, government changes as tenure ends but no one has shown major interest to solve that problem everyone just make verbal statement before the election to gain there popularity but no one is actually concerned about these crises are directly effecting our industries and that’s why foreign investor show resistant to bring investment and most important thing to note here is that the government is constantly increasing the price of electricity which make it very hard for the local people to pay their bills.

In Pakistan over 140 million Pakistani have no access to power grid station or they suffer from 12 hour load shading on daily basis and house hold consumption is growing yearly and due to this 500,000 house hold are being effected with unemployment, existing businesses have been forced to shut down due to energy shortage. Approximately Rs 30 billion has been spend by Pakistanis on UPS and batteries alone. About 60% of Pakistanis have some sort of power backup.
In May 2011 when china proposed that he will make an investment of 33.45 billion in the energy sector then Pakistan saw a ray of hope. The energy project under C.P.E.C would add more than 17000 MW in National grid by 2018 which will overcome the energy crises of Pakistan. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (C.P.E.C) is proving himself as game changer for this country because its priority is to focus in energy sector in Pakistan and to boost it and to gain the trust of its stake holder back.

Pakistan in 2016 has faced short fall of 5000 MW with more than 8 hours of load shading especially in ruler areas accepted by Water and Development Authority (W.A.P.D.A). In 2016 the energy generation was increased from 16548 MW to 22797 MW.

The year 2017 was good for Pakistan and witnessed some ope-rationalization of coal plants in which Sahiwal coal-fired power project which will expect to contribute 1320 MW of electricity in National grid. Power China and Al Mirqab Capital of Qatar has jointly develop another coal plant named as Bin Qasim coal-fired plant

Ahsan Amin
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