Gender inequality in Pakistan

(Amena Zahid, Islamabad)

Not just in Pakistan but all over the world the ideology of Feminism has gained fame. It’s hard to talk about it in a society like that of Pakistan, where more than 60% of the population living in rural areas is suffering from gender inequality. Especially if you’re born as a girl in a small village of Pakistan, your entire life would probably be a regret for you. Either it’s a mistreatment at home or harassment in public, a girl suffers a lot. At home she’s less valued than her brother(s) and even divorced in some areas for giving birth to a daughter instead of a son. Women are deprived of their basic human rights in the rural areas and are treated worse than slaves. What to talk about it for underprivileged little girls, even the renown celebrities of Pakistan media industry have raised their voice against this tarnishing act. Reflecting upon the recent claim by Meesha Shafi, a popular singer, model and actress, of being sexually harassed by her colleague: Ali Zafar, it is quite unbelievable that even people at this level have no shame. Whereas men are considered to be the stars of their families. They are not punished for their brutality and the women are asked to tolerate them every time. This mentality needs to change. When Islam has given equal rights to men and women, we don’t need western theories. We need people who could stand up and spread awareness that women are no less and deserve equal treatment in all aspects. Just as Meesha Shafi tries to break the chain of not speaking up for your rights, all women should follow and speak up for their basic rights. As it is said that the first step towards solving a problem is to talk about it.

Amena Zahid
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