Make peace with imperfection

(Asma Tariq, Gujrat)

Personal development

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be.

Richard Carlson said , Make Peace with Imperfection in his book " Don't sweat the small stuff ". The need for perfection and the desire for inner peace has conflict with each other. Whenever we want something in a certain way better than it is in order to make it perfect then there conflict starts with inner peace. We have issue ,we want everything perfect rather than being thank full for what we have, we focus on the faults that the person and things have and try to fix them and that fixation mostly cause disturbance and conflicts. When we focus on the areas that have faults and are weak rather than accept them the way they're that indicates our dissatisfaction and discontentment.

Make peace with imperfection because life is not so perfect and it cannot be , the matter is that you can perform better with all these imperfections by improving them but you can't always be perfect, so it's OK with faults but they wouldn't be repeated again and again.

Focusing on imperfection pull us away from our goal of being kind and gentle. Don't stuck with your imperfections, it just hurts you more and more, just accept the things the way they're. Because Life is Okay the way it is.

I thought I am not able for any thing, because I often made mistakes still makes and I wanted myself perfect but I never be that hurt me a lot . But then , I started to realize that I am human who face ups and down in life and certain response in one situation cannot decide what I'm. We make efforts, sometime they're fruitful and sometime not but the matter is that we can't stop. And you can't judge yourself nor any other person just because of one situation for all the time .You've all flavors in you , sometime you're good, sometime not but the important thing is you are still fighting for yourself, for betterment.Sometime you're cool, sometime not. Sometime you're at top ,sometime not .Sometime you're like angel ,sometime like devils Sometime you're achiever, sometime loser .Sometime you're lover, sometime hater .All that are human emotions and all that are in You. You can't totally remove any one of them but you can balance them.

It's OK with imperfection never stop you performing your best and improving the wrongs with life and fixing them but it's about realizing the fact that although there's always a better way to do things but this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the things the way they are already present.

Whenever you habit of perfection insists that things should be like that and this just remind yourself life is okay the way it's. In the absence of our judgment, you will see that things are better the way they're. When you begin to eliminate the habit of making things perfect you 'll get perfection in every area of life and inner peace.


Asma Tariq
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