Focus on little things

(Asma Tariq, Gujrat)

Mother Teresa once said, "We can't do great things on this earth. We can only do little things with great love."Sometimes our plans to do greater things at some later time interfere with our chances to do little things right now. Like we make plans that one day when I will become successful person, I'll do great things and I will help others because now I can't do great things so I am pending them for the period when I 'll get the capacity to do great things and until that period I can't do anything although I want. When I get enough money I 'll remove all starvation from the world but I can't do anything now.

Meanwhile there are some starving people in the street waiting for little act of kindness, mothers who need helps in their work , students who need help in their studies, hundreds of people who are waiting for little act of kindness and thousands of other little things that need to be done but we' re ignoring them in order to do great things at some later time and in this way wasting our present potential .

We can't change the world we can only do little things that can take part in the betterment of world. To make world a better place we don't need great things but we can also make it a better place by making ourselves and our surroundings better and for that we need little act of kindness. All we really have to do is to focus on little act of kindness, things we can do right now, we cannot waste our energies now for the time that'll come .we can't wait for the future to do things of our choices.We can't waste our present potential for the future to do our best performance.

We can only do things right now with the present potential and energy and we just need to do them right now although they are little things. We need to practice random act of kindness and these are the little things that 'l l gives satisfaction and peace of mind. The most appropriated act of kindness is not to give million dollar grant but a little act of kindness when you have nothing .If we focus how little things make difference in our life and our surroundings we'll surely end up being frustrating and using our hopelessness as an excuse to do nothing. If we take the great care in doing something or anything we 'll feel the pleasure of giving and helping the world in order to make it a little better place.

Asma Tariq
About the Author: Asma Tariq Read More Articles by Asma Tariq: 86 Articles with 70127 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.