Fate and efforts

(Asma Tariq, Gujrat)

People often ask me how much believe you have in fate and efforts and I always feel reluctant to answer the question because I can't deny the importance of efforts by anyways , I believe that most of the things are sorted out when people sincerely try to find solution with his best.

But the fate , people says it's determined .Successful people says you can change your fate with your efforts and person who gets failure says you can't defeat your fate .I couldn't find out what's the reality .

I remember the time when I completely denied fate and feel myself responsible for all that loses I got but with the passage of time as I'm growing and observing , my point of view changes as I am dealing with things and situations . Yeah it's true that you have only one thing in your hand and that is effort .Man is manufactured for efforts and the person who deny the importance of effort is not the sensible person but the efforts must be in proper form and at right place .But as I am talking about fate , fate is not the thing that only determined what you would be and you can't also deny it's existence .

Yeah as with the passage of time as I am growing I feel that there is some thing that is H igher and that also decides with me what would happen in my life and plans with me what's better for me.And That's Nature that also decides along us what's better for us with us , when we denied it's presence it revolves us around and around the thing we want but at last remains us empty .And we think that is happening because of that and this and blame others and ourselves for that but we are not getting that particular thing with all that efforts yeah possibly our strategies are wrong but sometime all strategies fail.

We human think we are master of ourselves and everything but we forget that we are but there's someone Who is also controlling everything and ourselves even with the greater power and He is the actual Master . So it is not bad to decide your life and want something higher even it's the man whom made for higher and man must have higher and greater plans but with all that planning he also remember that There is someone Who is the real Master and man needs His support .

Without His support man can't do anything thing and ask Him to support you .Tune your connection with the Nature and seek the guidance that provides you . We are not here to decide what's important for life fate or efforts but remember man is nothing without efforts and fate is nothing without Master's will who makes fate, can also change it . Life is not easy for any of us but be determined and persistent in you efforts ,Nature 'll supports you .

Asma Tariq
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