Why choose Rich Media Ads for your next digital campaign

The psychology says, the more senses involved, the people remember the things. In radio media, only one sense involves which is hear, in traditional TV media, two senses involved, sight & sound, but in digital media connects all three sight, sound &touch.

Every brand wants to grow but the marketing manager is thinking which digital advertising medium give their brand better ROI. As per the report of madvertising.pk, digital advertising in Pakistan is growing quickly by 48% in 2018.

Are you still using an image or standard banner ad for your campaign? In this blog, we will give you the reason, how can you grow your brand with rich media ads in less budget & time.

Rich Media Ads

Rich media is a digital advertisement term, that includes Video, Audio, animation ads& social media sharing links,which provide the user more interaction & increase the ad view rate.

Types of Banner Ads

There are two types of banner Ads format
1. Standard Banner Ad
2. Rich Media Banner Ad

Standard Banner Ad

Standard banners ad was an old format, its consist of the simple ad which contains JPEG, GIF, or text-based. This banner type is mostly used for branding &ad provide less interaction with the user.

Rich Media Banner Ad

Rich Media Banner Ad has a multimedia object, animation, responsive &having social media links. It helps you increase your brand awareness, more web traffic toward your website & have more interaction.

Rich Media introduced HTML5 banner ad production technologies in Pakistan. Which provide services to the advertiser, creative agencies, & publishers to make Video ads, gaming ads, & rich media ads.

Why Rich Media Ads

• More interaction as compared to standard banner
• Ad view time increases
• Track user Behavior
• Increase the level of brand awareness
• Track ad view time
• Ads best work on mobile devices
• Ads building time reduce

Most of the agencies still using an old standard banner, rich media ads are more effective on mobile & tablet devices. Different banner size available for rich media ads.

Sizmekadvertising platform gives you the capping option, capping option give you control, how many times your adshow to the user. If a usersees the one ad, next time the same user sees the different ad.The user will remember your brand message & not irritate.


Rich Media Ads Features

• You can add audio & Video
• More advanced features & engaging
• User interaction rate increases
• Higher quality content
• Integrate with the different mobile platform
• High conversion rate
• Increase the ad click-through rate
• High engagement rate
• Increase the ad recall rate

Rich media ads give you more interaction that’s why user remember the ad.


The result shows the user who has seen a rich media ad are nearly three times more likely to browse to the advertiser website as compared to the standard banner ad.

Types of Rich Media Ads

They are different types of rich media ad formats available for your brand

HTML5 rich media polite Video-Based Ad

The HTML5 rich media is an interactive ad format. This format is capable to load the image within the page content, also provide user action button &specific landing page option. You can place multiple videos in one banner. you can measure user watch time which includes play, pause & stop time. Rich Media adsgive you the option to develop different an ad in different dimension & formats. It helps you increase your brand visibility &collect the campaign metrics regarding your brand.

HTML5 Mobile Responsive Banner

It’s a rich media mobile responsive banner format. The banner hasthe capability to resize his position according to available screen size. You can choose a different template which is suitable for your brand.

HTML5 Desktop Interstitial

This is a full-screen ad format, which is launched before the content appears on the site. The banner has the abilityto change the size according to the screen. The brand message displayed & click-through option is available in this banner.

HTML5 Single Expandable Banner

The HTML5 is an expandable banner, you can give your brand message in this ad. You can expand the banner, You can interact with the ad & click on the link that will takethe user to the company website for more information.

HTML5 Expandable Ad

HTML5 banner ad production is a rich media ad expandable format. Its uses multi-panel to expand the ad banner as user click on the ad. This ad is used for covering the wide area of mobile devices & tablets. You can measure the video play & end time.

Rich media ads increase your brand awareness, brand interaction due to highly dynamic & creative ads. Rich media ads campaign just required 48 to 72 hours required from ad building till the execution process. You can measure the complete metrics of your campaign which includes cost per view (CPV), CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost per acquisition), view ability rate, rich media ad expansion rate, in target reach, ROI, etc.

Which rich media ad format you choose for your digital campaign. Leave a comment below right now.

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