Is This True

(Sana, Karachi)

In this article the author has given debated on a wrong question, asked by a layman ...

It is a debatable matter whether this event is a biddat or not. The technical definition of biddat is "Any action which is not proven from Qur'an and Sunnah is done with an intention of sawab and those who avoid doing it are cursed by the one who are doing". This means any action which is a biddat has three characteristics:

1. It is not mentioned in Qur'an or Sunnah, or done by Sahabah, despite the fact the means were available.
2. It is done with an intention of reward in hereafter or sawab
3. The ones who don't do it are cursed by the doer.

I can provide you the reference of this definition if you want, a Mufti sb has recently told me this definition.

So if seen in the light of this definition it will depend upon the doer that how he define his action, like the calibration of eid-milad-un-nabi saw.

From this article it seems that the author is admitting on the first two points, but is silent on the 3rd point, therefore his actions of celebrating 12 Rabiulawal will be considered as something close to biddat. But not exactly as biddah.

Now another person who also curse the ones who don't calibrate 12th rabiulawal along with the first two points, then he will definitely qualify as a biddati as per this definition.

The problem with the celebration of eid milab un nabi saw, in my view is that a lots of Ahkamat of Qur'an and Sunnah are violated while calibrating this event, or seems like considered more significant then those ibadat which are farz.

1. According to a famous hadith "a person is a Muslim, if others are safe from his hand and tongue" [Tirmidhi]. The road blocks during processions are clear violation of this hadith. Gunah-e-Kabira because Huqooq-ul-Ibad are being violated.

2. After calibrating the functions the whole night the Fajr prayers of many calibrators are lost. Does these calibrations are more important then Namaz and Huqooq-ul-Ibad?

3. Qur'an Surah Al Asra 17:verse 27 says "Surely squanderers are ever brothers of satans; and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord" ... the money which is spent on lighting (the bill paid to KESC), petrol which is burned on motorcades (beneficiaries are PSO and other oil companies), the hefty sums paid to the Naat Khuwan and qawals (who are not at all deserving and poor), all of this done for an activity not approved by sunnah or Sahaba-e-kiram.

Imagine if all the sum of money spent on this day is given in charity then definitely it will bring reward and sawab for all the spenders and will bring change in the life of many poor people ... but not in this case, also because of point 1 and 2.

Furthermore the more known date of Prophet Muhammad's saw day of birth is 9th Rabiulawal, based on an estimation drawn from a sahih hadith which confirms that the day was monday. The calculation tells that it was 9th. see page 83 of Ar-Raheeq-ul-Makhtoom, which is the most authentic biography of Prophet Muhammad Saw. Available online. ...

Now what's the basis of the violation of Qur'an and Sunnah on 12th Rabiulawal.

Even if someone wants so much to calibrate this day, then he might do it in a manner approved by Quran and Sunnah, like he may fast, or give charity or seek forgiveness from all his friends, relatives, parents, etc etc etc ... all in a way which doesn't hurt any one and is constructive for the society instead.

I think the same explanation applies on the calibrations on 10th of Muharram by Ahl-e-Tash'hee, if they do something wrong then it is also not a justification of doing another wrong on 12th Rabiulawal.

About the Author: Sweetystudent .. View More