Twitter Is Silencing Voice Of Pakistani Users

(DJ Kamal Mustafa, Karachi)

Twitter is a great platform for people who loves to talk to, to find a solution to tell the world their things or problems. people also talk to friends and make trends. That trend is either against the enemy or to expose the crimes or in favor of a political party. This platform is used to express freedom and fear to the world, but sometimes you may be suspended on that platform if you tweet against a religion or country. yes that's right , twitter may suspend you if you raise your voice against a so called democratic country "India". as everyone knows that people from all over the world raising serious concerns and questions on kashmir issue.

When you tweet about Kashmir, a lot of people will start coming to your tweet from India on a large scale, sometimes they will mislead you about Pakistan, or some time they will mislead you about pakistan army. You will respond to them even when you do not want them, and they will take advantage of that matter and will report your account to "Twitter India" and they will suspend your account.

This isn't enough and this isn't ends here , many people faced suspension in last two days.
According to my Investigation, around 1000+ accounts were suspended which raised the voice in favor of Kashmir and Kashmiris. Let me tell you about mine , i was verified on twitter , twitter gave me a blue check mark , i wrote in favor of kashmiri people and in favor of pakistan army and suddenly my verification check mark was removed. According to recent investigation of mine a indian tv channel started propaganda against Zaid Hamid defence expert from pakistan. He is raising voice for people of kashmir and exposing indian crimes which modi government is committing since long. A tv channel from india has asked twitter to suspend the account of Mr Zaid Hamid and almost 10000's of users from india started trend against zaid hamid and pakistan. while speaking with twitter safety teams and policy head , when i asked them " Why you're silencing the voice of pakistani users , they said , it might be human error or it might be dangerous tweet" while i checked the accounts of those who were suspended , they didn't tweeted anything against twitter policy. I'm planning to speak with Twitter Policy Head next week , i'll ask them and urged them not to suspend the accounts because they are exposing indian crimes. but still if you want to suspend the accounts of pakistani users then you should first start with indian users who were celebrating terrorists attacks in pakistan.

The people name as Major Gaurav Arya , Major Surendra Poonia , Tarek Fatah & Aditya Raj Kaul , This people support terrorism in pakistan , if you follow their tweets they urged baloch terrorists / banned terrorist organization to kill people in pakistan but the question if if they openly ing terrorism and glorifying violence then why twitter didn't removed their checkmarks ? why twitter didn't suspend their accounts ? because they are indians ? this are the serious questions and twitter must give answer. People from pakistan are not worried of their accounts they passion they are saying only one thing "If twitter suspending one account we will make 10 twitter will not stop us exposing indian crimes against kashmiri people".

Pakistani twitter users are now trending against tv channel of india who openly threatening pakistan army and intelligence agency , how many accounts will twitter suspend ? one ? two ? two hundreds ? twitter will stop , twitter have to stop. Twitter should support freedom of speech and let users from pakistan speaks. Pakistani users will support the kashmir cause and they are still supporting and one day Insha Allah kashmir will become free from terrorist indian army.

DJ Kamal Mustafa
About the Author: DJ Kamal Mustafa Read More Articles by DJ Kamal Mustafa: 2 Articles with 1489 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.