BIG BANG and Cosmos

(M.N.Khalid Major, Islamabad)

Hot Big Bang
About ten billion (Human) years ago, the Universe began in a gigantic explosion - the Hot Big Bang! The Big Bang model can reliably describe its subsequent evolution from one hundredth of a second up to the present day. This includes the expansion of the Universe, the origin of light elements and the relic radiation from the initial fireball, as well as a framework for understanding the formation of galaxies and other large-scale structures. In fact, the Big Bang model is now so well attested that it is known as the standard cosmology.

Who Did Big Bang

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:21 V:30) Do not those who disbelieve (in the signs of Almighty ) observe that Al-Samawat ( The heavens) and Al-Arz ( the earth ), were ratqan (One Unit mass (as Nebula)), but fafataqna_huma (We have split them asunder) ; and every living being We have made of water, Yet, they will not believe?

How Big Bang Occurred (Earth was the part of Great Nebula its Extraction caused The BIG BANG)

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:41 V:11) Then He (Lord of the Universe) intended to Al-Sama (the Universe) and it is Dukhan ( smoke = nebula as Astrologist attributed ), so He (Lord of the Universe) said to it (Dukhan) and to The Eearth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We do come willingly.

The complete Universe was set in TWO Heavenly DAYS

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:41 V:12) So He ordained them seven heavens in two (heavenly)days, and inspired every heaven its duty; and We adorned the heaven of Al-Duniya (The World) with brilliant stars and guard it (against the threat of meteorites and dangerous Rays); that is the measure of the Mighty, the Knowing.

(Note: The time for earth creation as heavenly body is Two (heavenly) days like other heavenly bodies. There after for its solidification and till is growing capacity it took four days, The all information is revealed by Lord of the Universe through His Prophet (to whom Historian considered an illiterate))

As a Part of Universe (constellation) Earth was created in TWO heavenly DAYS

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:41 V:9) Say: Do you reject (Him) Who created the earth in two (Heavenly)days, and do you set up His aids? To the Lord of the Universe.

Earth was made to grow food in 4 heavenly Days

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:41 V:10 And He (Lord of the Universe) made in it (Earth)
a - Mountains above its surface, and
b - He blessed in it (Earth), and made therein its foods, in four (Heavenly) days: for the seekers equally.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:21 V:31) And We have made mountains in the earth it must be steady with them (mountains), and We have made in it wide ways that they may follow a right direction.

Note: Read the geologist theory for balancing of Earth by the movements of its continental plates and the reasons of (suddenly) creation of mountains.

From Day ONE to First Living Cell on Earth it took SIX DAYS

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:32 V:4) Allah is He Who created The Universe and The Earth and what is between them in six (heavenly)days, then straightened the (divine) constitution was set; you have not besides Him any guardian or any intercessor, do not you get advise?

The Heavenly Days Length according to sidereal Day.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:32 V:5) He regulates the affair from The Universe to The Earth; then shall it ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:70 V: 4) Al-Malaika (The angels) and Al-Rooh (The Spirit) do regulate toward Him in a Day, the measure (of One Day ) is Fifty thousand years:

The Flying Meteorites have threat to Planet Earth.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:21 V:32 )
32) -And We have made the heaven a guarded canopy (against the threat of meteorites and dangerous Rays) and (yet) they turn aside from His Ayaat (signs).

The Every Heavenly Body travels on its path as ordained.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:21 V:33 ) And He The One (Single Principal), Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all (orbs) travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres.

(Al-Kitaab- Ch:36 V:38 ) And the sun is flowing toward for it den; that is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knowing.

Note: The Astronomists are guessing the Den of Sun. what is that ?

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(Al-Kitaab- Ch:81 V:1 to 3 )
1. When the sun is covered up (in to Nebula);
2. When the stars mixed up ;
3. When the mountains vanish;

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