Humans have tendency to follow
certain customs without even questioning their flaws and relevancy to specific
society. Such a scenario mostly arises, when either people are misguided or left
in ignorance. Through out the human`s history there`s always been intellectual
groups of individual who dreamt of leading and ruling rest of mankind . To
accomplish this goal they came up with different ideas and strategies. To
execute their strategies they developed such a mind set among general masses
that their ideas gain popularity and enjoy the status of acceptance in society.
Democracy is also one of those ideas of such groups of individual who wishes to
control actions of general masses. We have often seen, heard or read on numerous
platforms the utility and prosperity the democratic way of governance can bring
to society. Let`s see how democracy is defined by its founders. The word itself
was derived from Greek word demokratia which comprised of two different words
Demos “People” and Kratos “Power”. In plain English one can define democracy as
a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions
that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more or less direct)
participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law.
Roots of such system can be traced back to 5th century in some Greek societies,
though there is always a difference of opinion. We have seen people delivering
lectures on the utility of democracy but very seldom it is witnessed that any
major power holders raising voice against the loop holes present in this system.
Every one seems to be so much impressed that they don`t consider it worthwhile
to pay any attention to loop holes in system. Now let`s see some of the major
loop holes present in system.
1) Majority can not be always right in fact after studying human`s history one
can argue that mostly majority was found on wrong end of line.
2) Democracy emphasis on quantity not quality. Democratic electing system is
best example where every one`s vote hold same importance neglecting the fact
that some are better then others on the basis of education, mind set, intensions
and track record.
3) Perfect democratic system serves the desires of people even those desires
took away very essence of society rather then teaching the people how to
accommodate their desires within system.
4) The curse of liberalism which even it`s founder(west) is fed up of with is
ruining the basis of societies .
One can argue on many more such loop holes present in democracy but even above
mentioned flaws are more then enough to hallucinate the people. This is only
another system which will remain in place until those maniacs who have hunger to
rule the world find it suitable to serve their goals. It`s duty of media
(Unfortunately most of them are owned or dictated by power hunger maniacs) to
aware the people about the flaws of system and provide them the information
about any other better system which only aims to serve general masses.