Preventive Measures for Covid-19
Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is a viral disease spread in whole world.World is facing difficulties in all aspects due to this virus.The Spread of this chain could be break only by I and U."V _R_S ".Pray to Almighty Allah for whole world.
1.Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water either by alcohal based hand rub
2.When you cough or sneeze cover you nose and mouth with disposal tissue or flexed elbow.
3.Avoid close contact (1 or 3 meter)with people who are unwell
4.Stay home.
5.Self isolate from others in the house hold if you feel unwell.
6.Follow the instructions given by government officials.
7.DO NOT TOUCH eyes,nose or mouth if hands are not clean.Remember there is currently no vaccine to prevent Covid 19.Prevention is better than cure.It is better to stay at home than hospital bed.Stay home Stay Safe.Pray for World
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