Suicide Attack on Urdu

(Muhammed Sharif Nizami, Lahore)

Urdu is the most prominent identity of Muslims in Indo-Pak sub-continent. It has been declared as national language in every constitution, after creation of Pakistan. But time to time, it has been attacked by its own so called supporters and enemies. It had to face the attacks of others before partition and those of its own, after independence. Unfortunately, now Govt. of Punjab has launched suicidal attack on Urdu. After going in somewhat detail, it would be beneficial for the readers, to get background information regarding the said attack.

Urdu was introduced in Punjab Govt. offices and courts at the end of the Sikh regime in 1849. It was attacked, first time during 1862. An expedition, against Urdu was launched by demanding to throw it out of the province. Therefore, Governor of the Punjab, Robert Montgomery convened a meeting of the Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of the province to discuss the matter in detail. Most of the participants spoke in the favour of Urdu and this attack met failure. Urdu, as a result, remained official language of the Punjab.

Second attack on this “hard nut to crack” language was attempted during the year 1862. Hunter Educational Commission was established to probe into the matter. Consequently, a questionnaire, to gather the opinions, was issued but it seemed that Urdu was going to be evicted from the Punjab. Although restlessness among Muslim public was clearly noted but they had been helpless from the day first. Fortunately, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the member of this commission. It is well known fact that this preacher, of English education, among Muslims of India, also loved Urdu extremely. Therefore, he defended this attack successfully.

Third attack was launched during the year 1880, when Dr. B C Chatter G demanded; during degree awarding ceremony of Punjab University that Punjabi should be official language instead of Urdu. Muslims of the Punjab showed severe reaction against it. Hence, a meeting of All India Muslim Educational Conference was called in emergency. Allama Iqbal, Sir Muhammad Shafi, Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Maulana Shah Sulaiman Phulwari, Sir Imam Ali and Maulvi Mehboob Alam, Editor ‘Paisa Akhbar’ and other Muslims leaders participated in it. A strong resolution was passed, in favour of Urdu and fierce discord recorded regarding suggestion of Chatter G. In this way, third attack before partition also met its fate as utter failure.

After creation of Pakistan, slogans were raised against Urdu in Bengal. As a result of this, Quaid-e-Azam himself went there and declared clearly that only Urdu would be the national language of Pakistan. Although since then till now, it has been facing severe attacks of pro-English lobby but, during regime of General Ayyub Khan, loud hue and cry was raised to change the script of Urdu into Roman. This time, Maulvi Abdul Haque, Maulana Salahuddin Ahmad, Dr. Syed Abdullah and so many other Urdu loving patriots defended it tactfully. Later on Ahmad Khan (Alig) President, Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Urdu had been raising his voice in favour of our national language till his death. The enemies of Urdu, after that continued their conspiracies again.

Unfortunately, the above has been happening in view of Urdu; having constitutional protection (Article 251-1, 1973) as well as being beloved language of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam. Recently, the Advisors of Chief Minister of Punjab have ensured him that with the implementation of English in Schools, as medium of instruction will provide us ‘paradise’ of prosperity and progress. Therefore, like a suicide bomber, so-called Superior Servant of Punjab is implementing English medium in all government schools throughout the province, with great zeal and zess. It is an unfortunate aspect of the matter that he thinks probably our above mentioned great leaders and all constitutional authorities were in darkness about importance of English. It is apparent that he takes mere English as the only mean of advancement and prosperity.

No doubt, paradise of suicide bomber is present, however it is doubtful whether he succeeds to get it or not. But Govt. of the Punjab anticipates enjoying the self-thought paradise which no doubt will be the hell of illiteracy and ignorance. Because, according to an estimate, approximately 40 million students were thrown out from academic institutions, during the last 50 years; because, they could not pass English as subject in matriculation examination. Similarly, 78% candidates have failed in recently declared result of B.A/B.Sc. Exams, among which large number could not pass English. It is bitter ground fact that this is almost happening every year. It should also be kept in mind that this sad story, more or less is repeated during intermediate examinations as well. Evidently, it is mere a glimpse of the aforementioned self-killing of national intelligence potential. The same will happen, at greater rate after implementation of recently adopted policy of Govt. of the Punjab to enforce English medium right from class one. Teaching/education experts have commented on it aptly that fall out rate of students at primary school stage will abruptly rise, especially in village schools which are almost 80% of the total.

In short, the above mentioned policy of Govt. of the Punjab is nothing but mass killing of intellect just to please goddess of English, the language of our ruthless Masters. At the end, we request all patriots, especially the learned Editors of the newspapers, magazines, columnists and other writers to join hands with us, for restoring the status of Urdu and demanding to enforce it, at all levels in education institutions, courts and offices, in accordance with the constitution, the deadline for which being August 1988.

President, Qaumi Zaban Tehreek (Pakistan)

Muhammed Sharif Nizami
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