(naughtyshakil, pesh)

It seems to be fashion to criticize PCB and its Chairman but I can not stop my self today. Only because of Ijaz Butt’s decision of appointing one of his friends Intikhab Alam as Manager Pakistan cricket team.

I have many friends I love them too, I give sacrifices for them too but not on price of my country or damaging anyone else. I think friendship is friendship and business is business. I am always prepared to help them or at least try to help them or any thing I can do legally. I always say to my friends that

If one day u feel like crying........
call me......
I don’t promise u dat....
I’ll make u laugh...
But at least I can cry wid u.....

If one day u want to run away...
Don’t b afraid to call me.....
I don’t promise to ask u to stop...
But at least I can run wid u...........

If one day u don’t want to listen to anybody...
Call me and.......
I promise to b very quiet.....

If one day u calls me n there is no answer
Come fast to see me...
Perhaps I need u........

But I think that Butt has assured his friends that
My Friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad
My friend, my buddy,
Through happy and sad,
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk,
You’re there to listen,
You’re there to talk,
With happiness, with smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, (in PCB)
Throughout the years!

And he will continue to do this without any feeling of guilty or shame on his part or his friends.

With all criticism I want to admire the friendship quality of Butt that he never forgets his friends and also not afraid to take any risk.

In Shakespeare words he thinks that New friends may be poems but old friends are alphabets.

Do not forget alphabets,

Because you will need them to read those poems..
In the end I think Butt will enjoy this poem written for friends

Dear friends, with you my life is full of joys,

With you I love to share my toys, (PCB)

With you I want to sing a song,

You make me feel really strong,

For me you always care,

For me you are always there,

You help me when I am sad,

You laugh with me when I am glad,

You never want to see me in tears,

I wish we are, friends for many, many years.

Butt is enjoying the company of his friends in PCB and we have another captain in 2011 may be it is new record or they going after any record. But I think it will damage Pakistan in the end.

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