Illegal and unislamic marriages

(Shaheena Naeem, Karachi)

Shakle with bride and groom

I want to say in this topic ,in our society it has been trending illegal and unislamic marriages. There is lot of examples in our surrounding spredwide. some girls and boys do marriages illegally because they got remarry while they have already is not allowed in Pakistani laws .it's big crime .but there is no rules to punish them .

On the other hand, unislamic marriages are rising in our society because there is dowry system is available and other show off tradition like mayon ,menhdi and other bogus celebration has been seen that if party is belong to poor family they will get debit from others to show off .it is not allowed in Islamic culture.we should condemn this tradition after all.Girls and boys keep relationship before marriage and they called boyfriend and girlfriend.its not our culture ,it's western culture where people have freedom to do anything because they have these type of culture.but in Muslim countries and Muslim society,ones can't do that type of should be make laws to stop or reduce this western culture.Being Muslims,we have reservations and boundary of limitations to do something.

Shaheena Naeem
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