Life is to be hang till death

(Farzana jabeen, Islamabad)

One question witch is very common “ what is life “ . Every body want to know answer of this complicated question. But every body find out a different answer.

What I find out is that this question is not deserved single answer. As we all know that every human being is spending his/ her life with different situations and atmosphere so it’s understood that every body must found answer according to his / her situation .

I found that Life is a full of exams as we full fill an exam another exam is ready for us with upgrade levelled. We are not able to avoid any situation. We have to face all situations and our Progress decide’s next level . But we can not avoid these things so I think

Life is to be hang till death

Maryam Sehar
About the Author: Maryam Sehar Read More Articles by Maryam Sehar : 48 Articles with 60360 views میں ایک عام سی گھریلو عورت ہوں ۔ معلوم نہیں میرے لکھے ہوے کو پڑھ کر کسی کو اچھا لگتا ہے یا نہیں ۔ پر اپنے ہی لکھے ہوئے کو میں بار بار پڑھتی ہوں اور کو.. View More