(Farooq Mahar, )

Women’s international day is celebrated all over the world there are so many countries that are commemorating this day as a women’s international day. On this day women wanted their rights for the achievement of ethnic, linguistic, economic, political vote right the seeds of that day planted and gotten stronger in 1908 at that time 15000 women were protested through New York City. Which demanded shorter working hours, better pay, and the right to vote these terms and conditions come onflaunt of the UN government. The idea for women's international day was set forth by a woman named Clara Zetkin, this proposal was suggested in the year 1910 at the international conference of working women in Copenhagen. In that conference, 100 women taken participatedin 17 countries conference agreed IWD at that place this day wasrecognized first by Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland in 1911. Officially IWDwas established on the 8th march during the First World War 1917. Russian women protested and needed the right to vote in the provincial government. The IWD had shown in the Gregorian calendar on the day 8th march at this date IWD officially celebrated in whole the world. IWD symbolizes by colors, the colors are purple, green, and white. Every colorisdirected by the different symbols purple color shows the significance, justice, and dignity, green color symbolizes hope, while white color reveals the purity, though a controversial concept all colors were adopted from the women’s social and political union (WSPU)in 1908 UK. On this day families and communities are highlighting their positive role and models for the cognizance of men’scomfort. The theme of this day is only to encourage women to participate in any organization anywhere, UN allowed women to participate and overcome real-life challenges before the legal declaration of this day. Islam was the first religion in which women were never forgotten Due to the basic principle of Hazrat Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H) religion, women are willing to do any kind of work according to the Quranic script. From the beginning of Islam Muhammad (P.B.U.H) given liberation to women he told O! peoples, your women are either hell or heaven for you if you will treat them with kindness and politeness you will soon see heaven in the premises of home if you will commithostility on them you will get the result of that hocus pocus act very soon in this world and alsothroughout the day of accountability at that time God will give sentence those who all the commit militancy on the women. They are so many Hadiths are available regarding victim women and where there is he talked about the rights of women there is he enlarge the rights of men both. So many examples can be found in Holy Quran in the praise of women among them some names are mentioned asMaryam, Zulaikha, and wives of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) lives of all of them is the best vindication for the current women. Even though women are deprived of their valuable rights. In running days, in any home on the birth of girl family members are articulated their agony mode, why it happens? It is b/c of the illiteracy such like persons only follow the pastculture which isturn out before the days of Islam now there is one difference from the prior merciless they buried girls alive but in the present situation, peoples are leaving their girls into the fire of griefs it is complete injustice with them. Rape cases are increasing like a fast botting into the sea where there is no any kind of Hindrance for repasts. No one wants to demote such rubbish acts government only introduces new policies and laws but never implements them at any cost. Repasts arrested but after a few days or months, they are released on bail in that case rape maybe touch its highest peak. It can be destructive to our families and localities too, in this outlook the declaration of IWD is one of the best platforms through which women will arise their miserable voice before whole the world exposes the incomitance cruelly.

Farooq Mahar
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